Episode 10: Let the Tournament Begin!

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"Yo. I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog. A student at UA, on my journey toward becoming a hero. After Midnight put a target on my back for getting first place, Kamianri, Kirishima, Mina, and I teamed up for the cavalry battle. Everyone was going great until my buddy Deku came along and swiped the 10 Million band at the last second. Cheap move, but it was smart. Luckily, we're all still in the running, waiting to find out what's next..."

After the cavalry battle, all of the students either went to their assigned break rooms or just went to go sit in the stands.

Sonic: Nice work out there guys, now what's say we grab a couple hundred chilidogs?

Kaminari: You and the chilidogs man.

Jiro: Seriously, at what point does that straight up become an addiction?

As they're talking, Blaze walks by the Class 1-A break room door.

Blaze: Finally found it. *she knocks on the door* Excuse me, is Sonic here?

Kaminari: Hey it's that cat girl again.

Sonic: Yo Blaze! Long time, no see!

Blaze: Good to see you all again. Congratulations on your recent victory, Midoriya.

Deku: Huh?! You know me?

Blaze: Of course. Sonic told me about how you helped him and All Might defeat those villains. *she turns to Sonic* Can I talk to you for a minute?

Sonic: *in his head* She sure likes her privacy. *to her* Sure. Go on ahead guys, I'll catch up.

They all leave and Sonic and Blaze go into a hall onto the side.

Sonic: Ya know this is the second time you've wanted to talk alone. This gonna become a regular thing?

Blaze: No... actually... I came to apologize...

Sonic: Huh? For what?

Blaze: I misjudged you Sonic. I believed you were just an egotistical show-off who didn't care about what being a hero meant... but I was wrong. I was the one who was misguided. I've been so caught up in upholding my family's legacy... their honor... that I overlooked the real reason I wanted to attend UA in the first place. And for that, I am truly sorry...

Sonic: *smiles* You don't have to apologize, Blaze... I'm not always the easiest person to read ya know. I always just try to go with the flow... but when things get serious, so do I.


Sonic: I get that whole family legacy thing, my dad; he's the one I look up to... but you are your own person. And no matter who you turn out to be, your family should just be proud of you for making it this far. Heck, YOU should be proud of where you are now!

Blaze: I...I am. Thank you, Sonic. I don't want for you to think of me as some stuck-up rich girl, but simply as a fellow hero in training... and if you'll let me... we can be... friends?

Sonic: We already are!

Blaze: *looks up and smiles* Thanks... I needed that... but don't think this means I'm going easy on you during the next round!

Sonic: Wouldn't have it any other way.

*they smile and shake hands*

Silver: *running through the hall* BLAZE!

Sonic: Friend of yours?

Blaze: That's Silver, and yes we're close.

Silver: *panting* Oh good, I thought I'd never find you. Oh WOW! You're Sonic! Hi! I heard about you! You're awesome.

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