Episode 8: Everybody's Super Sonic Racing

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"Yo. I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog. A student at UA, on my journey toward becoming a hero. Last time, my friends and I got to training for UA's annual sports festival. This is gonna be big for us, but we're totally ready for this with a few new tricks up our sleeves! Now, the day's finally here, and we're all gonna show the world what we're made of!"

About another week went by and at long last, the UA Sports Festival had arrived. Everyone was already in their respective waiting room, doing some warm-ups and getting changed and ready for what was about to come.

Mina: Aww... I really wanted to wear my hero outfit today.

Asui: Yeah, but none of the other courses get support items so it's only fair.

Sato: Wonder what they have in store for us for round 1.

Tokoyami: No matter what they've prepared, we must persevere.

Shoji: Right.

Sonic: *tapping his foot on the ground impatiently*

Kirishima: You look awfully on edge.

Sonic: I'm just too excited to wait. When are we heading out already?

Just then, Kaminari comes running in on the scene.

Kaminari: Hey! Sorry, I'm late.

Sonic: Cutting it kinda close, pal.

Kaminari: Yeah sorry, I was just finishing up these. *he hands Sonic a box* C'mon, open it!

Sonic opens the box and is shocked to see his old sneakers, refurbished and with a few upgrades. The buckles were now gone and instead, there was a gold button and thin panel on the back of each shoe.

Sonic: Kaminari are

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Sonic: Kaminari are... are these my kicks?

Kaminari: Yeah, I saw how torn up they were so I figured I could fix 'em up a bit for you. I patched up the holes and covered the whole thing with a super-resistant material that won't burn out too easily when you run. I also made them lighter so you can move more freely. I call them Power Sneakers!

Sonic: YOU fixed them?!

Kaminari: *chuckles* Hehe, yeah, I actually do a bit of tinkering. Having an electric quirk really helps out with that. I might not be the greatest when it comes to all that textbook stuff... but if there's one thing I'm good at, it's this!

Kirishima: Ah, that explains how you came up with those awesome strategies and power moves! You're a secret genius. That's so manly bro!

Jiro: "Genius" might be stretching it a bit.

Sonic: *smiles* Thank you, Denki.

Kaminari: Huh?

Sonic: *puts on the Power Sneakers* With these bad boys... I'm sure I'm gonna win!

What If... Sonic the Hedgehog was in My Hero Academia? - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now