Chapter 13

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Welcome to Chapter 13 - can I please just say a massive thank you, this story has just reached over 2k views already - this chapter is slightly different as is a mix of Stiles and Thomas videos - also I am aware this is not as long word wise but the videos themselves are a bit longer then previous videos  so enjoy!!!

When Brenda had commented at the end of the last video how normal it make Stiles seemed I realised that the time they had all spent with him he hadn't really been able to be the goofball Stiles we all love and know anymore.

"How about before we continue with what happened with WCKD, we take a moment to tell you a bit more of what Stiles was like before this all happened." I advise hoping they will all go for it, I honestly needed a break from seeing Stiles in constant danger and I am sure the others are feeling the same way.

"You know what Scott, that would be nice. It would be nice to know what Thomas was like before all of this happened." Frypan states as the others nod along and I can see the look of relief on the others faces giving us some release from the horror of WCKD.

That is something I can help you with Scott, instead of you all telling stories how about I show you a video instead.

"That would be very nice of you but how?" I ask kinda hoping to give Stiles a moment break from the constant probing and mind draining he must be experiencing.

It was not a random chance of fate that Stiles was chosen, WCKD have been watching him for years before they took him. They gathered years of evidence and data on him, on all of you. How do you think I know who to select to support him best.

"Wow, I never knew this side of him was possible. Trouble is I think I prefer his Thomas side as he seems slightly less annoying. Well at least now thanks to Coach here we know how to shut him up if he starts rambling." Gally advises with a smile on his face and it was the most relaxed I had seen everyone since we had arrived here.

"Believe me after a while he kinda grows on you like an annoying little brother that you can't get rid off." Derek states and I can't help but smile at Derek referring to Stiles as a little brother.

Don't we know that is true Sourwolf!

"Hey! Only Stiles is allowed to call me that, nobody else okay?" Derek jumps to his feet snarling at the ceiling as though it had broken some special thing, wait Derek and Stiles don't have a thing do they?

I think it is about time everyone knew the true extent of your's and Stiles relationship, don't you?

(A/N Had to throw one in for the STEREK fans out there!)

"Looks like Newt wasn't his first man crush then." Minho voices a few moments after the video finished playing, I guess I never really noticed the relationship developing between the pair of them as anytime I saw them they just bickered.

"Oh my god, that's why you would always bicker like an old married couple. Why did I not see it before?" I state as realisation hits me like a ton of bricks but I quickly wish I hadn't said anything following the glare I am currently getting from Derek.

"Do I need to be worried here?" Lydia asks before starting to laugh as Derek lets out a low growl quickly stopping the laughter from continuing.

You never know Lydia, in another life Stiles and Derek would just confess there feelings instead of just burying them deep down.

"Enough!!! Let's stop this nonsense right now, Stiles is nothing more then my annoying little brother and my human anchor. That's it, nothing more nothing less." Derek snaps at the room and I know we had pushed the joke to far this time.

Shall we continue back to Thomas journey after escaping from the WCKD compound.

"Yes please, I think we have shown them enough of who Stiles was." Lydia states and I prepare myself for the incoming begging and crying that was due to arrive. It seemed to arrive like clockwork, as soon as the memory type swapped from Stiles to Thomas he screamed out.

"Stop it, please I am begging you. Stop!! Kill me, I don't care anymore." Stiles voice rings out and even though I was more prepared it still felt like a cold dagger into my heart.

Now after the escape from WCKD the Gladers and Aris needed a place to gather themselves and hear properly what they had found and what the plan was. They found themselves it what seemed to be an abandoned shopping centre turned housing area. They decided to split up to find supplies and any sign of life.

The sound of Mason and Liam been sick echoed around the stunned silent room, no words can explain how truly terrifying that was.

"Part of me wants to ask but the other part says knowing will be more disturbing then anything I can imagine." Coach voices first while taking sips of water while looking quite pale at what he had just saw.

"Wise choice Coach!" I state remembering the last time he had said those exact words, it was when the chains had dropped out of Stiles's locker.

"That was creepy McCall, you just sounded exactly like Stilinksi then." Coach states while shuddering slightly as he flashes me a rare smile.

Are we ready to continue?

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up soon!!!

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