Chapter 4: Courthouse Troubles

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A few months later: Frost's POV

What I was about to do was probably one of the hardest choices that I've ever had to make in my entire life. I didn't want to be apart from Team Flash, my friends, family, especially my sis Caity.  I've committed so many crimes in the past such as kidnapping people twice, attempting to murder someone, and some counts of assault as well that I knew that I had to pay for all of the things that I did. Sure I changed and fought alongside Team Flash by assisting them with metas, saving people's lives, but clearly that wasn't enough to change anything in my favor. Instead, the State wanted to force the meta-human cure on me, the one which we created as a choice for people.  There were many eyes staring at me, waiting to hear my final statement before I went to prison.

"Taking away power from a metahuman isn't the same as taking away a gun from a criminal," as I began to voice my statement. "They're a part of our identities and no one should have something that's a part of them taken away like that. It's like saying 'hey you were made bad, change that'. But shouldn't justice be about changing the way a person acts, not the way that they were born?" After a few more moments of speaking my statement, I turned my gaze to the State and said, "Back then I was only interested in protecting myself. But then I found someone else worth protecting and protecting that person led me to protecting a whole city. Slowly, I changed." Standing up, I mustered the courage to make this request. "Your Honor, I would like to request life in prison without parole."

"Before I make my verdict, the Court asks if the defendant, Frost," as the judge turned to me, "knows what she's proposing?"


"Then, therefore, I hereby sentence the metahuman Frost to life in prison without the possibility of parole." BOOM!!! As soon as she was just about to pound her judge stick thingy to the table, pieces of shrapnel flew across the room from the ceiling. Upon all of us, a huge figure loomed with her mouth in a snarl roaring.

"Is that??" Cisco looked in terror.

"Fuerza, yeah. Everyone get out here!!!" I hollered. "Leave now!! I'll try to hold her off to buy time!!!" It was quite challenging to keep up with the amount of chairs and items she was throwing, but I managed to blast them with my ice streams and destroy them. It was a pretty close call since one of the State members who hated me almost got crushed by Fuerzas fist but not before I froze it. Unfortunately my uptight and hardhead sis was in fact helping others escape the courthouse. "When I said everyone, I meant everyone. You have to go now, Caity!!"

"No!! I'm gonna stay and help whatever way I can!! Besides, you could use some help!" Rumble!!! The entrance collapsed on itself leaving no way out

"Fine!! I think that the judge is pinned down back there." as I saw her cowering and crying.

Whoosh!!! The scarlet speedster came into focus as he halted to a stop.

"Alexa!! I told you that we can help you," as he walked closer to her. "Don't do this. It's not you but your powers. Fight it! I know that deep down you wanna help people not harm them, so please, come with us." For a moment, she hesitated and looked at Barry as if she was actually considering this. ROARR!! Instead, she smacked him unconscious across the wall like a bug, pinned me down with her other hand, and threw the podium in towards Caity's direction.

"Caity!! Look out!" Just as it was about to hit her, a familiar shade of blue lightning caught it in his arms. "Savitar?? How are you here??"

"Long story short, I came back possibly due to what happened in Crisis and now after a while, I guess I've decided to turn over a new leaf. In the meantime, I'll get Caitlin and the judge out of here," he bellowed with his neon blue and black suit donned on.When he came back, I noticed an unexpected surprise in me.

"You seriously kept this after all this time???" feeling the dark blue leather on my og Villains R Us suit.

"Dress for the part you want. Now, let's get this battle started!" He ran around her making speed punches whenever possible. "Damn!! I don't think this is enough! We need more firepower!! What if we combine our powers so we can knock her out?"

"Before we do this, what about Barry?? We gotta make sure he's alright." as I motioned to him.

"Ok, ok. I'll run him out of here." Whoosh!! "Now let's do this shall we??" However, Fuerza started to shift back into human form before our very eyes with a blinding blue aura that let us keep our distance.

"I guess that was easier said than done," I shrugged.

"Yea... But what do we do n...." Purple, red, yellow and a whole flurry of lightning colors went right in front of me. "Speed Force??? What are you doing here??"

"Could say the same for you too Savitar. I thought Barry would actually protect me instead of letting her walk away like this. Iris may be you and Barry's lightning, but I am the lightning!!!" Savitar attempted to run to Fuerza to save her from the ball of lightning hurled at her, but in spite of his speed, he well as I. Some kind of hero I am.

"Hey. There wasn't anything that you could've done Frost. You tried your best to save everyone in here and it's all that matters."

"I guess you have a point. Why did ya take your suit off??"

"The battle's over now and plus, I don't have to hide from my partner over here" patting my shoulder. "Before we leave here, I wanted to say something to you."

"Sure, lay it on me dude."

"You got this Frost. If you can hold your ground against metahumans, make an ice path against a speedster, and make a, you know, decent speech, then I'm sure you can handle what you're about to face next; prison."

"Oh yeah?? What makes you so sure of that??"

"Cuz you're pretty strong both in and outside. I bet you 80 dollars that you're even stronger than me."

"Come on, only 80???" as a smile started to form.

"That's what you bet on me when I raced Wallace. And, one more thing. I know that you feel like your powers are a part of your identity, but as someone once told me, with or without your powers, you're still you."

"Was that a pep talk you did there?"

"What," he scoffed. "I don't do that anymore!! However, this convo was me trying to improve my decency. See ya around Frost."

"Yeah." Maybe my little sis was right about change after all. Even in the darkest people, there's still hope for them and maybe even in Savitar too.

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