Chapter 9

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Adrien sat impatiently in his seat in his first lesson after lunch, to which he had been dragged by Nino. He also had to be reminded by his friend that Marinette wanted space, and that she was most likely fine, and that Alya would keep him in the loop. That didn't stop Adrien from panicking when Alya didn't show up until half way through the class, and that neither Juleka or Lila didn't show up at all. He hated that the new seating arrangements meant he couldn't turn around in his seat and pelt Alya with the questions he wanted to ask, especially since Marinette hadn't come in with her.

"I thought you guys said Mari was fine." Adrien said harsher then he had meant to, concern plain to see on his handsome features, as he towered over a still seated Alya, having wasted no time in rushing over to her as the end of period bell rang.

"She will be." Alya stated, ignoring Adrien's tone, knowing he was only concerned for Marinette and completely understanding all of the reasons why, "But the nurse had to send for both of Mari's parents and an ambulance. She needs stitches and the nurse thinks it would be better if she got checked over properly by a doctor."

"How did Mari get so beaten up any way?" Adrien asked, the information doing nothing to calm him down. He wasn't entirely sure he wanted the answer, and had a couple of guesses as to why and how Marinette had gotten all bloody and beaten, the second of which making him feel guilty.

"Lila cornered her in the toilet." Alya answered as had been promised, confirming Adrien's theory like a hard punch in the guts, "Jules and Lila went to Principle's office, but I'm not sure what's happening, but they must still be there since Jules wasn't in class. I just know she caught it on her phone. Lila admitted she's been lying to everyone and was trying to get Marinette to be friends with you again. Telling Mari that you've got a crush on her."

Adrien nearly collapsed at these words.

"Dude, are you alright?" Nino asked noticing that Adrien had gone pale. Alya looked up, and at the look on the model's face, she wasn't sure she wanted to continue telling him everything she knew. It was clear to her that Adrien had wanted to and clearly, in retrospect, been trying to tell Marinette how he felt for her for the last two days. It must have been eating him up on the inside knowing that Marinette had found out from Lila.

"I'm fine, Nino." Adrien lied, smiling. His smile was hallow, but his pain was secondary to everything right now, "How did Marinette react?" Adrien asked the blogger, deciding it was best to take all the blows right now, just so he knew what mess he was dealing with. Alya became fascinated by her knees.

"By the sounds of Juleka's recording," Alya replied barely above a whisper, "not great. It sounded like... like... I don't know... like she was being torn apart. I haven't heard such distress in her voice, ever. It was like she wanted to believe it, but she couldn't because it was coming..."

"From Lila's mouth." Adrien growled, finishing Alya's sentence for her. His guilt for causing the scene that had resulted in the incident was covered by hatred and anger that Adrien had never truly believed he was capable of. He just hoped Lila got expelled.

"Yeah," Alya nodded, as Nino listened in shock, "but she kept telling herself that 'Adrien doesn't like me that way'."

"But I do." Adrien said, the whole in his chest widening, "And because of that witch, if I tell Mari she won't believe me."

"OMG!" Alya exclaimed having glanced at the clock, they were late for their physics class, "We're late! Look, I've told you everything I know. I'll let you know more if I find anything out, and I'll let you know when Mari calls me and tells me how she's doing." With that Alya stole from the room, leaving an emotionally numb Nino with an overwhelmed Adrien. Neither seemed to notice that Alya had left, nor that they were late for Mrs Mendeleev's class. Neither had the head space to  care. Both lost in deep thought.

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