Chapter 11

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The following morning Marinette was sat on the school steps talking happily with Luka about his songwriting and giving her friend feedback on a new soft and heart warming melody that he was working on when an upset looking Nino walked up the stairs. The caring girl easily fell back into her patterns as she decided to help her forgiven friend, making her excuses to Luka.

"I understand Mari," Luka smiled at his crush, "you are a kind person who will always think of others first. I think that's why so many people ... like you." Marinette chose to ignore that Luka had clearly changed his wording, but blushed all the same as she chased after Nino.

She caught the DJ in their classroom, sat in his seat texting furiously on his phone. He knew Marinette was there, but waited for her to say his name before he looked at her. She was wearing that kindly smile she wore when she wanted to help, but he doubted if she could. He also noticed that she was wearing makeup to conceal her injuries.

"I take it you know why Adrien was off yesterday." Marinette stated, her intuition being spot on.

"Yeah." Nino answered grumpily, "His old man's being unreasonable again. He won't be allowed back at school until next week because he refuses to model with Lila."

"Why won't he model with..." Marinette began.

"Because she hurt you." Nino answered her before she could finish her question. Marinette blinked a lot in surprise.

"Why would he ..."

"I can't answer that, Mari," Nino said with a knowing smile and wink from behind the frames of his glasses, "the bro code. You understand right?" She nodded and walked to her new seat at the back of the class. She knew what Nino winking meant. But she didn't believe. She couldn't. It was impossible. She was just a baker's daughter.

She pushed all thoughts of Adrien and Nino's wink out of her head as Miss Bustier called the class to order and lessons began. She even asked Alya to make sure that she was kept busy for the rest of the day, so as to not let any thoughts about Adrien intrude. She wanted to move on after all, and if that was going to happen she would have to stop think about him. Even if that was easier said than done, given the number of pictures of her favourite model were around Paris.

Adrien had spent the day sat by his piano mindlessly letting his fingers dance over the keys, not noticing want he was playing. He was still mad at his father. Plagg was still nervous about his friend's mood, because he didn't want to be snapped at. A whole week. A week. Just because he was taking a stand against bullying. It stank of injustice. 

He looked up when there was a knock on his door and Nathalie announced herself. He gave her a weak smile. He wasn't mad at his father's assistant, since she had been the one to get his sentence reduced. In fact he was grateful to her. She was carrying a book in her hands. He looked at the clock. It was five in the afternoon. School had been out for two hours. He hadn't even noticed.

"A friend dropped off notes from your classes for today." she said placing them on his desk.

"Thanks." Adrien said, as the woman left the room with a little cough. It was then that it struck him. Last time he'd missed lessons, Marinette had written up the lessons. This thought sparked his mood to improve. Maybe she's done it again. This was all undone in a glance though, as Adrien opened the book on his desk and discovered Nino's handwriting. But why hadn't Marinette done it? She always took every opportunity to help. Why wasn't she helping him now?

This brought a fear he had been ignorant of to the surface, one he realized had been there since he had first met Luka. He rang Nino, he needed answers, his anger towards his father forgotten.

"Hey, bro," Nino's voice answered after one ring, "glad to see your old man didn't confiscate your phone. Just dropped off some notes for you."

"Yeah, yeah Nino," Adrien said so fast he knew he hadn't hidden his panic, "my father isn't so monstrous as to cut me off completely. But forget that. I was hoping Marinette would have done the notes. I was ..."

"Believe me dude," Nino said understanding immediately why Adrien seemed so panicked, "Alya suggested she do it, but she said she couldn't because she had plans with... Luka."

"Could you insist on my behalf tomorrow?" Adrien asked.

"Sure dude, but I think..." Nino trailed off clearly thinking, or hesitating, "I will try. See you soon." The phone cut off. Adrien stared at it.

"What's up Adrien?" Plagg asked, deciding to break his silence.

"Luka's got a whole week with Marinette." Adrien answered unthinkingly.

"They are just friends." Plagg said, at Adrien's shoulder.

"A friend that has a huge neon sign over his head that is shouting 'I have a crush on Marinette and want to be more than friends'." Adrien all but growled, "A friend that Marinette sometimes blushes at. He has a whole week to charm her, while I am stuck in here. I have wasted enough time and now... now what do I do Plagg?"

"Wait. I am sure nothing will change, she has other friends." Plagg answered, "I know it's a bit naive, but trust your feelings, everything will be fine."

"Thanks Plagg, but," Adrien paused to sigh, "I think Lila has changed a lot of things."

"No, I think she muddied the water," Plagg said, "but Marinette has this look that she has always saved for you. In fact, on Monday I will be more than happy to point it out for you."

"Fine Plagg." Adrien said with an uncertain smile, "Mind helping me study?"

"No, you're on your own," Plagg smirked, "I have a date with a nice bit of camembert."

Adrien couldn't help but snort a laugh at his kwami and his little addiction. He hoped Plagg would never change. He wouldn't ever tell the small cat like creature, but he really was the best thing to happen to him.

He however couldn't help but be upset when Marinette still didn't do notes for him, Nino explaining that she was helping their friend's band with costumes, and he knew how Marinette got when designing and making clothes. So he put it aside and waited for Monday.

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