Chapter 4

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Marinette had been shocked at the roller-coaster that had been her day. It had started fine, she was laughing with friends, before Lila and her lies had stolen everything from her, and because of that she and almost all of her class had almost gotten Akuatized. It was already bad enough having been expelled, but Hawk Moth just had to get involved. But Marinette had learned something, only because of Tikki pointing it out.

She hadn't lost everything. There had been six people that had not been almost Akumatized. They had been; Lila (of course), Chloe, Alya, Juleka, Adrien, and Luka. From that list she had learned who she could trust and therefore, who her true friends were, the ones that she could confide in. She rang Alya when she knew her friend would be on break so that they could talk, and Alya agreed, stating that she had absolute faith in Marinette. Marinette also knew that she could trust Luka, Juleka and Adrien. These thoughts carried her through the long, bad, day she was having.

Not long after her phone call to Alya, Marinette's parents had called her down to have a conversation about the whole debacle, which opened up the wounds, but she ignored them, not wanting to give them power so as not to give Hawk Moth a second chance, and Tikki another reason to scold her. They announced that Marinette was to work in the bakery until a new school placement could be found for her. 

She had to duck out early, by spilling flour all over herself, to come to the aid of Chat Noir, who had fallen hook line and sinker for a scheme that had most likely been cooked up by Myrura, in which she had created an Amok that looked just like Ladybug. It had all come to an end when she as Ladybug had to bargain for Chat Noir, who had been caught by Hawk Moth, who had come to help rescue Myrura, who Ladybug had captured. One partner for another.

"Why did you let Hawk Moth and Myrura go?" Chat asked confused. "You could have defeated Hawk Moth. We would have won, he would never be free to Akumatize anyone else ever again. Paris would be safe from his terror." They had run across the roof tops together, as they sometimes did after a mission, stopping at the top of the Eiffel tower. It felt as if this had become their spot.

"But at what cost, Chat?" Ladybug asked, by way of answer, not pausing before continuing, "If I had, Hawk Moth would have most likely harmed you, and even if that harm hadn't killed you, I doubt I would have been able to live with it. You are not just my partner Chat, I consider you a good friend. I don't want to see you hurt. Besides, if the roles had been reversed, and you had captured Myrura, and Hawk Moth had captured me, would you have been able to stop him? Would you have done things differently?"

"Since you put it like that, M'lady," Chat Noir said with a playful glint in his eyes, "I think I would have done the same for you. But thank you for explaining. Also, sorry for believing that the Amok was you. I should have known better. I know your heart belongs to someone else."

"That's okay Chat," Ladybug said taking her yo-yo in hand, "I understand. Myrura had the Amok say what you wanted to hear, built lies upon it, which made them easier for you to believe despite knowing better. The important thing is, you figured it out in the end, and have learned from it. Now we must be going. Bug out!"

Chat Noir watched as Ladybug swung away, gazing with saddened awe. He knew she didn't feel the same way, but he knew, because he loved her, he wanted her to be happy. 

"Ladybug," he whispered to thin air, "I will content myself to being your friend and crime fighting partner, because to me, it is more important that I see you smiling, and my friendship does bring a smile to your face. I will therefore, let you go. If you are happy, then I am, but in my heart you will always be loved." He turned and jumped the other way, using his staff. His head was now full of thoughts of Marinette, and how best he could help, to see her smile again too, wondering if he was in love with two girls. He was heading for the Sien River, the Pont des arts bridge, for a photo shoot. He arrived in time to see a black car pull up at the site. This was not normal. It was this that pulled his thoughts from Marinette. 

"Plagg, Claws in." he whispered, returning to being Adrien Agreste, teen model.

He walked over to the photographer and was about to ask what was happening, when Natalie got out of the car with Lila. Adrien's mouth fell open with shock. Then he closed it and made his face a mask. He couldn't put his finger on why just seeing Lila made his blood boil with anger, but he knew he couldn't show it. However, he couldn't stop his fists clenching. Then he thought of the pain Lila had brought to Marinette by lying, and it all made sense. Lila had hurt one of his closest and best friends, and that was unacceptable, and he knew he would never forgive Lila.

"Adrien," Natalie said when she and Lila were close enough, "your father has chosen Lila Rossi to do this photo shoot with you." Adrien then had a sudden idea, a way to fix everything.

"Fine," he said, "but may I have a moment with Lila, alone?"

"Of course." Natalie said, walking to the car with the photographer.

"What's wrong Adrien?" Lila said with an enthusiastic smile. "Want to give me some modelling tips?"

"No," Adrien said, deciding he was going to be direct, "I want you to fix what you did today. It almost caused a lot of trouble."

"What do you mean?" Lila asked, sounding both innocent and stunned.

"I can't prove it," Adrien said with a dark look in his eyes, "because you are so good at lying, but I know you planted that pendant, I know you framed Marinette for cheating, and I know you staged Marinette pushing you down the stairs."

"But Marinette did do all those things." Lila insisted.

"Drop the act Lila." Adrien snapped, "You can't fool me. I know you are a good lair, so therefore, I am sure you can come up with one that will keep you out of trouble and clear Marinette and allow her to come back to school."

"Why would I do that?" Lila asked darkly, dropping her act.

"Because if you do that I will be your friend." Adrien said, "But if you hurt any of my friends again, the deal is off."

Lila looked around, Adrien noticed that her gaze fell on Natalie, who seemed to nod at her.

"Fine, we have a deal." Lila answered, as Adrien prepared for his hellish afternoon. After all he didn't like Lila's company. She literally made him feel sick.

Miraculous the tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir; Princess JusticeWhere stories live. Discover now