Chapter 7

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Tikki had been forced to hide during the afternoon, because Alya had come over after school. She had come alone, because she had rung ahead, and knew that Marinette wasn't up for a group gathering. Alya was sat with a crying Marinette on her lap, gently stroking her head.

"Are you sure Lila is targeting you because of Adrien?" Alya asked in disbelief after hearing Marinette's reasoning.

"It's the only thing that makes sense." Marinette answered, somewhat shakily, privately happy that she had someone to talk to now.

"Is that why you've been avoiding his calls for the past two days?" Alya asked, "Because he is very worried about you."

"I can't look at him right now," Marinette answered, "not without it feeling like a black whole has opened up inside my chest. Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't want to go back tomorrow, not because of Lila, but because of him."

"Maybe if you asked him to give you a little space," Alya suggested, "he might give it to you."

"Yeah, maybe, or he might think that Lila threatened me." Marinette argued. "But it might be worth a try. Some space until things get back to normal." But Marinette doubted things would, or even could go back to normal. The damage was done after all, and Marinette knew Lila would find some way to make herself seem sympathetic again. All Marinette knew was, she was going to stay out of Lila's business, and be super paranoid around her bag and locker.

The following morning, Adrien got out of his car, outside of his high school, shocked to see Marinette was standing by the front doors, early for once. He smiled in relief at seeing her, and hoping to get some answers as to why she hadn't answered his phone calls last night. Alya had told him Marinette was ok when she had left her house. He walked up to her, nervously holding onto his bag strap.

"Hi Mari." he greeted her with a shy smile.

"Hi Adrien." She said, he noticed that once again, she was not stuttering in front of him, he also thought that she looked sad.

"You're early." He pointed out.

"Because I wanted to talk to you alone." she stated. Adrien had no idea why he suddenly had a bad feeling.

"About?" he asked wondering if he really wanted to know.

"I need you to give me some space," Marinette said pain in her bluebell eyes, tears almost visible in their corners, "because it hurts to be too close to you right now. I assure you, it is nothing you have done. I just need some time away from you."

"Has Lila threatened you, she said she wouldn't?" Adrien hissed his question.

"No, Lila hasn't threatened me. But I think she has been targeting me because of you." Marinette explained, "That is why I need you to stay away from me for now."

"Mari, please," Adrien started to beg as he understood what she was saying, "don't let Lila win. I have a way to make her back off from you."

"I guessed you have made some kind of deal with her. Don't break it. This is my choice." Marinette said, starting to turn towards the doors, "Leave me alone." She left him standing there, open mouthed. His mind was stuck. He had lost Marinette before he had even told her how he felt.

"Adrien, you are going to have to blink at some point." Plagg said from below Adrien's shirt collar.

"What do I do, Plagg?" Adrien asked, not caring that Plagg was trying to joke with him, "Do you think I've lost her forever?"

"I don't know what to say, but this all comes from Lila." Plagg said trying to sound wise, "Maybe Marinette just needs some time to sort her feelings out. After all she must be feeling a lot. After all it didn't sound permanent."

"Yeah, hopefully not." Adrien smiled weakly, not noticing Lila calling his name from across the street.

When Adrien walked into the classroom, ten minutes later, after putting his fencing gear in his locker, he was shocked to find there had been a seating plan change. Only three seats had changed. Lila was now sat where Marinette should have been sitting, and Alya and Marinette were now sat in the back row.

"Dude, what's with the seat change?" Adrien asked Nino. Nino looked up. His eyes were red. He'd been crying.

"Alya and Marinette walked in about 5 mins ago," Nino explained, "Marinette walked up to Miss Bustier and began talking with her while Alya came over to me. Next thing I know Alya is breaking up with me and Miss Bustier is asking Lila to take Marinette's old seat so that Marinette and Alya can sit up the back."

"Any idea why?" Adrien asked.

"Something about not being able to focus, I think." Nino answered.

"Also why did Alya break up with you?" Adrien asked reluctantly taking his seat, noticing that Lila was waiting patiently for him to finish talking with Nino.

"She didn't like the way I treated Marinette." Nino answered, "Didn't like how easily I turned on her. I admitted I was wrong and Marinette does seem fine with me, but Alya said she couldn't forgive me yet."

"Looks like we are both having it rough with girls then." Adrien said, trying to joke for his friend's sake.

"Hi, Adrien." Lila said, finally sensing an opening.

"Hi, Lila." Adrien growled.

"I couldn't help but over hear that you are having girl troubles," she said, "maybe I could help, because you see I gave some very helpful relationship tips to Prince Alee from the kingdom of..."

"Cut the bullshit Lila!" Adrien shouted, really not in the mood for her, "I know you are lying. Clearly you haven't learnt your lesson after the trouble you almost caused. Besides you are the reason why I have girl trouble in the first place!"

The classroom, which had been buzzing with pre-class conversation went very still as everyone turned to look at Lila and Adrien. Marinette watched horror struck. She'd asked Adrien to be nice to Lila, not provoke her, because it was her who was going to pay.

"I'm not lying, I really..." Lila began sounding hurt and looking upset.

"I know you are lying, because you've done so ever since you got here." Adrien said, "Remember when you showed me the pendant that you planted on Marinette. You told me that it gave you super powers. That you were a superhero by the name of Volpina. That was the day Ladybug called you out on a lie that you got Alya to publish on the Ladyblog, about how you and Ladybug were very close personal friends. So shut up Lila!" Lila's mouth fell open and silence hung in the room. Marinette was trying to hide the signs that she was on the borderline of a panic attack, because she was convinced that Lila was going to make her pay for Adrien's out burst.

"Talk to me only when you have learnt to tell the truth Lila." Adrien said. Lila sat back down, and shot a dirty look at Marinette, who had Alya rubbing her back trying to calm her down. Adrien was amazed that Miss Bustier hadn't sent them to Principle, as she called the class to order and started taking the register.

Author's note:

Thank you guys so much for helping this book reach over 1k reads. It is super encouraging. I just hope you continue to engage with my writing, and giving me feedback. I would also appreciate if my other works were read like this one is, because I would love additional feedback on those. Thank you, again.

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