Chapter 6

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Marinette had dressed in her normal white t-shirt, pink jeans and dolly shoes, and grey jacket, the following day. Her parents were silent at the breakfast table. It was very awkward for the family trio. None knew what to say. Marinette also found it very annoying that her mother kept glancing at her, with what she thought was a slightly troubled look.

Marinette was therefore glad when it was time for the bakery to open for the day. Since it gave her and her family a much needed distraction, since they had a busy morning. She was shocked to see Adrien walk in, tailed by Nino who had Alya on his arm. Marinette smiled at them all in greeting.

"Mari," Adrien said sounding just a little nervous, "can I please talk to you alone?" Marinette blinked with confusion. Hadn't she made it clear she didn't want to talk to him?

"Sorry, Adrien," Marinette answered him kindly, glad that the bakery was busy since it gave her a good excuse, "I can't. The shop's busy. I have to help."

Alya looked at Marinette with shock. This just didn't make sense to her. Something was really up with her best friend. She hadn't stammered once as she'd answered the model. Adrien felt an intense pain in his chest, but he wasn't going to give up.

"Please Mari, I have something I have to tell you." Adrien said, knowing he probably sounded pathetic and ultimately not caring.

"I have nothing to say." Marinette answered him, not meeting the emerald eyes she knew she'd hurt. But he'd made her do it, she reasoned with herself, since he hadn't accepted the easy let down. She then moved to help an old woman who had walked in.

Adrien stood frozen. She was refusing to talk to him. He looked at Alya who looked just as stunned as he was. Adrien moved to try and get Marinette's attention again. He wasn't going to give up. But he stopped when Nino pulled him back.

"Dude give up," Nino said a little too loudly, "it is obvious that the two faced liar can't face any of us."

It was Marinette's turn to freeze as she fought not to cry. She thought Nino had more tact then that. She didn't notice that her parents, Adrien and Alya where glaring at Nino in the suddenly empty bakery.

"Nino!" Alya snapped clearly angered by her boyfriend and stepping away from him. "You know Marinette would never do anything illegal. You know she is innocent. Apologise."

"No." Nino said glaring definitely at Alya, "I will not apologise."

"Why not, Mari is our friend?" Adrien asked not wanting to miss another opportunity to help Marinette.

"Clearly she doesn't think that way of us," Nino sneered back, "she is flat out refusing to talk to us. Only cowardly lairs do that." Marinette couldn't help the tears that silently flowed over her cheeks. This didn't go unnoticed by the room.

"Take it back Nino!" both Alya and Adrien snapped in unison.

"Please kids," Marinette's father finally said, sensing the coming fight, "Marinette is clearly upset, and you three will be late for school if you don't hurry, so I think it best if you leave."

Nino left without having to be told twice. Alya and Adrien however, remained stubbornly where they were. Marinette knew they wouldn't leave until she did so she went to the toilet to stop her tears and wash her face.

Adrien then left, reluctantly, as he was being tugged out by Alya, just as they heard the bakery phone ring.

"Hey, Adrien," Alya said noticing the distant and pained look in his emerald eyes, "you OK?"

"Huh?" Adrien answered being pulled from his thoughts, "I'm OK. Mari isn't though is she? Nino must have hurt her feelings pretty bad, I haven't seen her cry before. But I don't understand why she is avoiding me. What is up with her?"

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