Chapter two Bullys

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*September 5th, school begins*
First day of school. I got to make a good expression. "Are you done eating breakfast yet?" My mom asked. "Almost" I answered. "We'll hurry up or your going to be late for school" My mom said. I nod.

I finally finish eating my food. Luckily school starts at 9:00 am and it's 8:45 right now and we live close to the school. I get in the car, so does my mom.

"Woah it's so big" I said. "Yes I know now get out of the car" My mom said. I don't know why she was rushing me today. What if she's meeting with someone. I hope not because it's only been a month since the accident. I head to my class.

"Hi there you are?" Mrs. Anderson asked. "Chaos" I answered. Mrs. Anderson nodded.

"Good morning class! You all should know by now, I'm Mrs.Anderson I will be your teacher for the rest of the year. Let's start with introducing each other, Adam you go first" My teacher said.

After a lot of people pass I know it's going to be my turn soon. "Lily your turn" Mrs.Anderson said. "Hi, so I like puppies they are so cute! Also my favorite color is pink" Lily said. Woah. I know I'm too young to date but she kinda...cute. "Chaos" Mrs.Anderson said. "Oh hi, I'm chaos my favorite super hero is spider-man and also I like to play with my action figures" I said. Everyone in my class start laughing at me instead of my teacher and lily. I felt so embarrassed. "Okay class that's enough" Mrs.Anderson snapped. Everyone turned toward her.

I didn't have any friends in New York. But just then lily walked over to me. "Hi I'm lily which you already know but you shouldn't let them pick on you like that" Lily said. "I know" I answered. I can't believe I was talking to her. She's like my first ever crush. "So where did you move from?" Lily asked. "La" I answered. "I always wanted to go there!" Lily said. Really? Huh. "Cool" I said. "Why did you move here?" Lily asked. "Well me and my mom just wanted to put the past behind us" I answered. "I wish my mom was still here" lily said. She lost her mom. "I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad recently in a car crash" I said. "I'm sorry too for your loss" Lily said. "I think me and you will become really good friends" lily said. I nod. My first friend in New York! "Hi dork" Zack said.(one of the classmates) "Zack don't be mean" Lily snapped. Zack rolls his eyes.

    *after school*
"So how was your first day of school?" My mom asked. "It was okay, I made a friend and her name is Lily" I said. "Oh cool" My mom said. "People bullied me for playing with action toys" I said. "ignore them" My mom said. "Well, Where have you been all day?" I asked. "What do you mean? I have been here all day" My mom said. "Then why did you rush me?" I asked. My mom stopped cleaning the table and looked at me. "Go do your homework" My mom said. WHAT? Why did she ignore my question. I'm going to get to the bottom of this!

*September 23rd*
I still haven't figured it out yet. Wait I forgot I had powers! But dad said to keep them hidden. Even from mom.

I get home from school. As I open the door, walk up the stairs. I hear my mom talking to someone. A man. NOOOOO. THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING. "I KNEW IT" I snapped. "Is this your son?" The man said. "Yes. Chaos please sit down" My mom said. "No" I snapped again. "Chaos now!" My mom snapped back. I sit down. I give the man a dirty look but he smiles at me. "Chaos this was one of my friends from high school and his name is Tristan" My mom said. Oh. Maybe I was wrong. "On your first day of school I rushed you so I could meet with him. And me and him have been thinking about dating" My mom said. So I was right? NO I'M MAD AT HER FOR NOT TELLING THE TRUTH. "WHAT YOU CAN'T, WHAT ABOUT DAD? HE JUST DIED BASICALLY 2 MONTHS AGO. I HATE YOU" I Cried. I wish I hadn't said those things...I run downstairs and out the door. "CHAOS" My mom cried. Tristan runs after me and grabs me. "Put me down!" I cried. I had tears in my eyes. I wanted nothing to do with my mom. I was still mad.

*The next day*
"Can you come downstairs for breakfast" My mom said. I nod. My head has been pounding. I walk down the stairs. I see Tristan again. "Hi" Tristan said. "Hi" I answered. My mom sits down. "Before your dad died, we wanted to get a divorce because we were falling out of love it wasn't working anymore and we basically found other people. We just didn't know how to tell you" My mom said. "I thought you l-loved h-him" I said. I had a few tears in my eyes. "I did. Very much" My mom answered. "It doesn't seem l-like that any-more" I said. "I will always love him. But not in the way that you want me to love him" My mom said. "Life isn't fair. I know it's hard. When you want to tell someone the truth, you know it would hurt them so that's why people lie" Tristan said. Is that like me with my powers? I wish I could tell my mom. But I will always listen to my dad. "You understand now?" My mom asked calmly. "Yes mama" I answered. "I love you" My mom said. "I love you too" I said. Don't worry dad, I love you too.

End of chapter.

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