Chapter seven Dad

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I take a deep breath. On this day me and dad were coming from a vacation. It was just me and him...we wanted a Dad and son moment. Luckily my mom agreed to it. I see the car coming down the road. It's about to happen. I see another car coming down the other street, speeding up very fast. I could see me and my dad were singing and then before that moment he promised me something. He said "hey chaos...I need you to listen when you grow up you will be strong and won't give up, there will be tough times in your life. I had to go through stuff. Same as your mom did. I wanted to give you something...take the necklace out of my bag" my younger self nods and takes out the necklace. "Can you put it on for me?" My dad asked. My younger self nodded. "I like it" "I did know that I love you right?" My dad asked. "Of course I do, I love you too!" Then it happened. The crash. "What did he tell you?" Jace asked. His hand went into a fist. "We were just singing that's all" I said. "Lies!" Jace yelled. "Tell me the truth!"  "I...can't" I said. Jace looked very angry. Then he through a punch at me. Well he tried. I dodged his punch. Then I grabbed his arm. "Fine! You want to play those games!" I cried. I twisted his arm. I didn't know I was that strong. Jace screamed of the top of his lungs. I didn't want to hurt him. I'm not a bad person. I let him go of my grip and pushed him back. Jace then fell to the ground. "I don't want to hurt you...your my family" I said. "Of course, I knew you would say that" Jace said. "Listen if we could just talk about this" I cried. Jace rolls his eyes. Come on! Think of a place! Maybe I can teleport myself out of my mind. Well I mean this is my mind after all. Then everything just went blank.

I opened my eyes. I was back. I wasn't in my mind anymore. I didn't see Zack and lily anywhere so I called out to them. No answer. I got up from the ground. Then all of a sudden I see two people running towards calling my name. I think it's lily and Zack. "Chaos your okay!" Lily cried. "We thought you were dead" Zack said. Lily rolled her eyes. "Zack thought you were dead...what happened?" Lily asked. "I don't think this is a safe place to chat about this" I said. Lily and Zack nod in agreement. We decide to spend the night in hotel since Lily had some money still.

"So tell us" Zack demanded. "We basically went into my mind...Jace said he was looking for answers first we went to the year 2010 then we went 2012 June 17th, the accident" I explained. "What accident?" Zack asked. "Me and my dad got into a car accident and he well...died" "oh I'm sorry" Zack said. "It's fine...then we got into a fight because he wanted to know what my dad said to me" I explained. "And? Who won?" Zack asked. "I mean it didn't really last long but I didn't want to hurt him so I guess me I would say" I said. "Also now that I revisited my dads words...what he said to me before the accident, it made me feel like there was more to it then I realized" Lily and Zack looked at each other in confusion. "What did he say?" Lily asked. "he said hey chaos...I need you to listen when you grow up you will be strong and won't give up, there will be tough times in your life. I had to go through stuff. Same as your mom did. I wanted to give you something...take the necklace out of my bag" my younger self nods and takes out the necklace. "Can you put it on for me?" My dad asked. My younger self nodded. "I like it" "I did know that I love you right?" My dad asked. "Of course I do, I love you too!" Then it happened. "That's sucks" Zack said. Lily hits Zack on his shoulder. "Don't be mean" Lily said. "I'm not! I'm just saying that was sad!" Zack said. Lily sighed. "It does feel like there's a meaning to that, I mean it sounded like he knew something was going to happen" Lily said. I nod. "Yeah it does" I said agreeing with lily. "I think we should go to bed, we all look tired" Lily said. Me and Zack both nod. Lily and Zack sleep in a separate bed from me. My eyes start to close. I'm so tired from today. I close my eyes.

I'm in a pit of darkness. The only thing I see is my dad. I walk closely to him. "Dad is that you?" He then turned to look at me. I stand right in front of him. "Are you?" He nods. " you know what the prophecy is?" My dad asked. "Well no but the real question is what the heck is going on?" I asked. "You'll understand soon enough" "I want to know now! I want to know what's happening to me!" I cried. "Is this a dream?" I asked. "Surly it's real but you might think it's a dream" my dad said. "Why did you have to go?"I said "It's for the better" my dad said. "What do you mean by the prophecy?" I asked. "You keep on switching the topic" My dad said. "I have a lot of questions" I explained. "I know you do but I can't answer them all" He said. "I just want things to go back to normal" I said. "I know you do, just use your powers wisely" My dad said. I nod. "What's the prophecy? Is it something horrible? Or is something good?" I asked. "You'll know eventually" My dad said. I fall to the ground on my knees. "What am I supposed to do!" I cried. "Protect the innocent"

My eyes open. No! It was morning. What time is it? I look at the clock on my phone 7:03 am. Lily and Zack are not going to get up for another hour so I'm going to sleep some more. Was that dream actually real? I close my eyes.

"Dad!" I called out. "I'm here" he said. I smile. "Is there something wrong with Jace? Why is he doing this" I asked. "Oh Jace...his just not in the right state of mind" My dad said. "Huh, anyway did you know how his dad was?" I asked. He nods. "I did, he wasn't the brightest person but he was intelligent which that made him interesting" My dad explained. "We're you two friends before me and Jace were born?" I asked. "Yes" he said. "What was his name?" I asked. "Jay" My dad said. Jay? I wonder why Aunt melody has never mentioned him. About aunt melody...wasn't she sick? "Chaos" My dad said. "Yeah?" "Listen to me, this is not a dream this is 100% real but when you wake things will change and when you go back to sleep I will not be here so listen very will have to fight Jace to save the people you love and care about the most and I understand you care about Jace but he is in the wrong he is going to hurt innocent people. Chaos you are the main part of the prophecy and you are the beginning" my dad said in a very proud tone. I nod. "I love you dad" "I love you too chaos"

I wake up. I see Zack and lily getting ready to go. Then we check out of the hotel and we walk to Zack's house to get In his car. We all agreed to drive to the store and get some snacks.

We walk into the store. "How about you boys go get your stuff and I get mine?" Lily asked. Me and Zack both nod. We walk off away from Lily's directions. "So what we getting?" Zack asked. "I don't know, well I definitely know I want cookies" I said. Zack let out a little giggle. "I'm sorry" Zack said. "About what?" I asked. "About when I bullied you...I'm sorry for that" Zack said. I heard his voice trying to hold back a sad tone. "I forgive you" I said. Zack smiles. "Your not a bad person, since I guess were kinda stuck with each other we could get to know each other more?" Zack asked. I nod. Zack wasn't a really bad person after all. He was always pushed around by Hannah and Zander. I kind of felt bad for him. "This may be a awkward question to ask but how did you become friends with Zander and Hannah?" I asked. "Well me and Zander have been best friends since preschool and Hannah I met in elementary" Zack explained. I nod. "I know you don't like them and I understand that, we were really as*holes then" Zack said. I signed. "I had a dream last night" I said. "What was it?" Zack asked. "It was my dad" I said.  Zack stopped walking and looked at me. "What?" I asked. Zack then hugged me. Woah. "I'm sorry for what happened to your dad, if Jace haven't done that to you I know you wouldn't have been dreaming about him" Zack said. I know he was trying to make me feel better but I really need to tell how weird the dream was. "I just wanted to say it was a weird one..It felt very real and he even said that, he said something would change when I wake up but I don't know that meant" I explained. "That's weird. My dreams are never like that. It seems like he was trying to send you a message" Zack said. "Yeah it did seem like that" I said in agreement. Then we saw lily. "Are you guys ready to go? Wait just cookies?" Lily asked. "We can never have enough cookies" i said. Zack and lily laugh. "Okay let's stop playing around and go" Lily said. Me and Zack both nod.

We head back to the car after buying out Snacks. Zack sits in the driver sit and I sit in the passenger sit and lily sits in the back because she wanted to sit alone. "Hey chaos, do you have your drivers licenses yet?" Zack asked. I shook my head. "My mom won't let me drive until I'm 18" I said. Zack let's out a little giggle. "That sucks, not to be rude" Zack said. "It's fine" I said. "Anyway...remember how we were talking about if Jace had powers" I said. Zack nods. "Well after what just happened that's enough proof that he has powers" I said. "Yeah, well all we know is that he can teleport people inside their minds" Zack said. Zack laughed. "That power is so stupid" Zack said. I let out a little laugh. Lily didn't laugh. "Lily you okay?" I asked. "I'm fine, why ask?" Lily asked. "You haven't said anything this whole ride" I said. Lily shrugged. "I guess I don't know what to talk about" Lily said. I see Zack rolls his eyes. Then Zack hits the breaks. "Zack keep your eyes on the road you almost went through a red light" Lily said. "Okay chill" Zack said. Then the light turns green. I looked out my window. Thinking of what my dad said but then I saw light coming from Zack's window. A car was speeding up. My eyes winded. "Zack!"

End of chapter.

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