Chapter nine destroy

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My eyes open. It's still dark out. I look at the time, it's 11:40 pm. "Zack, lily I need you guys to wake up" I said. Zack and lily awake from their sleep. "What dude? It's so late" Zack said. "I'm sorry for waking you guys up but I need to go somewhere" I said. "Where?" Lily asked. "Just come with me" I said. Zack and lily look at each other. I know they were confused but I just needed them to come. I got up from the bed and left, lily and Zack followed me. "Chaos stop" Zack said. "I can't" I said. Zack grabbed my arm. "Stop, tell us what's going on" Zack demanded. I sighed. "Listen I don't know if we have enough time...I need to get to a certain area and destroy the necklace" I said. Lily's eyes widened. "Didn't your dad give you that? It's the only thing you have left of him!" Lily cried. "It may have something that Jace wants, and I'm not going to let him have it" I said. Zack puts his hand on my shoulder. "I don't want you to get hurt" Zack said. "I won't" I said. Zack sighed. "Let's make this count then" Zack said. I nod.

"I am so tired, we've been walking for a few minutes now" Zack complained. "I'm sorry" I said. Zack sighs. Zack puts his hand on my shoulder. "Don't be, this isn't your fault" Zack said. It is. "Thanks" I said. Zack slightly smiles. "How far away are we?" Lily asked. "I think we're already here" I said. "On top of a building?! Is here?" Zack said. I nod. "So we just break the necklace?" lily asked. "Yes" I rip of the necklace from neck. I put my necklace into a fist. "I love you dad" I whispered. I smash the necklace into the ground. I see it shatter into pieces. Lily puts her hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry" then all of a sudden the ground starts shaking. "Umm...what's going on?" Zack asked. "Earthquake?" Lily asked. "No not an earthquake, it doesn't feel like one" is said. "How in the world can you tell the difference between an earthquake and non-earthquake?" Zack snapped. "Feel the ground" Zack and lily both touch the ground then look at each other. "This doesn't feel right" Lily said. "Exactly my point" I said. "So then what is it?" Lily asked.

"Did you see the news?" Dove asked. "No, why?" Hawk said. "Well it's more like American news" Dove said. "Okay so? What about it?" Hawk asked. "I found him" Dove said. "Found who?"

My heart started pounding. If this wasn't an earthquake...what was it? "We need to get off of this building!" Lily said. Me and Zack nod. "Careful" Lily said. "Stop!" Zack said. Me and lily look up to him. "The screws are loose" Zack said. I started to Panic. We had a long way down to go. I don't think will make a few more steps. We had to go back up. "Go, go back up!" I yelled. We all turned our back and started running back up. I felt the stairs shaking. I took a deep breath. Zack was the first to get to the top. Then lily. I stopped for a moment. I don't know why I did. "Chaos!! Hurry it's going to fall!" Lily cried.

"Chaos" Dove said. "Show me" Hawk said. Dove nods. Dove turns on the tv. "Here, look his on this building with to other people. If we combined our powers we could bring him to us" Dove said. "And how are we supposed to do that?" Hawk asked.

I stopped to think for a moment. It's Jace isn't it? He knows the necklace is destroyed. He knows I destroyed it. His mad. Mad then before. "CHAOS" Zack yelled. I went back into focus. I couldn't walk another step. I had to jump. I then got into to jump. I steady my legs then I took a deep breath. "I can do this" I whispered. The stairs started to rumble. I jumped. The stairs fell. I was holding on to the building. Zack grabbed my left hand and lily grabbed my right. "We got you chaos!" Zack and lily cried. The both pulled me up. "You okay?" I asked them both. "Hey we're fine but what about you?" Zack asked. "Never been better" we all laughed. I should tell them I now what it is...or should I say who it is. "Guys, I know what's happening" I said. "What?" Lily asked. "It's Jace, don't ask question on how I know that I just do...I know it is"  "well he doesn't happen to have a power source that can create a huge hole in the earth, can he?" Zack asked. "What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? Will it even work?" Hawk asked. "I'm not sure, but let's just hope it does" Dove said. Hawk sighs. "Your going to get us both killed one day. Probably today" Hawk said. "We need to hurry this up now, we don't have much time" Dove said Hawk nods.

"Look" Zack said. Zack points to the ground at a giant hole. "Holy crap" I said. "Guys look! Something is coming out of it" Lily said. "What in the world is that?!" Zack said.  "Don't ask me. I have no clue" I said. "It's so huge" Zack said. "My worst nightmare be like" Lily said. It was so huge. It was glowing red like Jace's powers. It kinda looked like Galactus. Then it took its hand and hit it into a building. "We're totally safe up here" Zack said in a sarcastic voice. "What are we supposed to do now" Lily said. I looked over a the building beside us. I saw Jace. "I have to get up there" I said. "Then I'm coming with you" lily said. Lily grabbed my hand. "We're in this together" She said. "What about me?" Zack cried. "I don't want you to get hurt so stay here" lily said. Lily kissed Zack on the cheek. "Be safe" Zack said. "I'll keep her safe...I promise" I said.

End of chapter.
Hey guys! There is only one more chapter which makes me sad and there will not be a book 2 of this. I'm making something called "The world phantoms" you'll see when it comes. It's basically a sequel to this. The aftermath.

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