Chapter five Chaos Magic

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For himself? What did he mean? My heart started pounding. "I'm just like you" Jace said. "Your nothing like me" I snapped. "Oh I am. I have the same powers as runs in the family" Jace said. My eyes widened. Did dad not know about Jace had powers? "You should see you face right now" Jace said. I slowly grab my phone out of my pocket and when Jace turned around to look out the window, I texted Lily if I can come to her house. "You know you could just hand me your power and we'll you could die or you could try and run but I'll kill you" Jace said. "No you won't" I said. My phone vibrated. "Who's that?" Jace asked. I pull out my phone and lily texted me back and said "no" that's when I knew I had to make a run for it. I started running. I ran out the door and kept running.

I've been running for a while now. I didn't even look behind me. I don't think he even followed me. I made it to Lily's house and knocked on the door hard. The door opened. It was Lily. "I told you can't even respect me and Zack's relationship!" Lily said. "Who is it...oh you" Zack said. "Listen jut let me in! It's important!" I cried. Lily shut the door. "LILY PLEASE" I cried. Then Zack opened the door. "Shut the door Zack" Lily said. "Lily...just let him explain. Wow. I didn't expect Zack to say that. "Come in" Zack said. "Explain why your here" Lily said.

I start to explain. "I have this power I've hidden it for years since my dad told me too. I haven't actually used it against people but I hope it will never come to that and I was hoping I could trust you with my secret and now my cousin Jace his after me...his trying to kill me for my power" I explained. "Woah" Zack said. "Are you hurt?" Lily asked. "No" I said. "What about your mom and Tristan?" Lily asked. "And what kind of powers do you have?" Zack asked. They were calm, I didn't expect them to react this way. I know they are freaking out if they're mind though. "My mom went missing and Tristan had to go find her so that left me with Jace, I think that was part of his plan to get my powers" I said. Zack and lily nod. Just thinking about that. I think I forgot about something. "Also i don't know much of how many powers I have in one, I just know that I can teleport and shapes shift" I said. Wait. LIZZY. SHE'S STILL AT THE HOUSE I DON'T KNOW WHAT HE COULD DO TO HER!

"I'll get him soon enough" Jace said. "After all I have his sister" Jace said.

"Hey, are you okay? You look like your about to cry?" Lily said. "it's Lizzy" I said. "Who's Lizzy?" Zack asked. "My baby sister...she's at the house and I think Jace is still there" I said. "You do realize Jace doesn't have powers so you can knock him out easily" Zack said. "He does, well that's what he said" I said. "He could be lying" Zack said. "I don't know for sure yet, but I'm going to find out what's going on. That's not like him" I said.  "Your going to go back?" Zack asked. "I'm not letting my baby sister near him even if he doesn't have powers or not" I said. "Then we're coming with you" Lily said. "Are you out of your mind? We don't even know anything about what Jace can do!" Zack snapped. "That's the point" Lily said. Zack rolled his eyes. "Okay fine whatever" Zack said.

We arrived at my house. "It looks empty" Zack said. "That's what he wants us to think" Lily said. "Woah, are you detective lily?" I asked. "Sure, I've watched a lot of criminal minds" Lily said. "It's not Time to talk about are favorite tv shows, aren't we on a damm rescue mission?" Zack said. "Yes, we wouldn't have came here if we were just going to talk about are favorite tv shows" I said. "Shut up, your so annoying" Zack said. Then Lily grabbed me and Zack. "Hey, chaos you said you had chaos powers and I think this is the time to use them" Lily said. "Oh so I can use it on Zack?" I asked. "No! The door idiot" Lily. "I was being dramatic" I mumbled. No one can ever take a joke but I mean I would use my powers on Zack. "But my dad never said to use my power in public" I said. "We're not near anyone" Lily said. I shook my head. Zack rolls his eyes. "Is there another way we can get in without making noise?" I asked. "Your back window was broken right? We can go through that" Lily said. I nodded. We go around the back of my house and see that my window has been broken even more. ""Oh sh*t!" I said. "So I'm guessing that wasn't like that before?" Zack asked. "No sh*t Sherlock" I snapped. "Obviously he left, probably to look for you" Zack said. "Maybe he didn't know Lizzie was here" I said. "Definitely not, he DEFINITELY use Lizzie as bait" Zack said. "I agree" Lily said. "Well let's just check first" I said. "I'm pretty sure she would be screaming and crying by now" Zack said. "Maybe. Let's see like Chaos said" Lily said. Zack nods.  We go upstairs to Lizzie's room. "She's not here" Lily said. I'm such an idiot! How could I let that happen...what am I supposed to do now? "What do I do now?" I cried. Lily puts her hand on my shoulder. "We'll find a way" Lily said. "What if we don't!" I snapped. "There's always a way chaos" Lily said. "What if...there's not?" I asked. Lily didn't respond. "I have an idea" Zack said. Me and lily turned and looked at Zack. "If we want to find Lizzie we may need to practice because we don't know what Jace could do next, I know a place and chaos you need to use your powers or else you could put everyone else in danger If you don't start fighting back" Zack said. I wanted to say no but I knew he was right. If I don't start doing something, innocent people could be in danger since we don't know what Jace can do yet. "It looks like I don't have a choice" I said.

"Wait, so your saying your parents bought this land?" I asked. "Yep, we're very rich" Zack said. "I'm going to go to the store to get supplies to practice" Lily said. "Wait how much money do you have in your bank account now?" I asked. "Wait lily you have your own bank account?" Zack asked. "Yes, my parents made me my own bank account and I have like 300 dollars now" Lily said. Wow. I always knew that lily had a bank account but she has a lot more money than the last time we talked about it. I honestly can't believe that Zack's family was rich to buy this land. It's finally time to show my real powers! I'm going to so them what I can do.

"I'm back!" Lily said. "How much did you spend?" I asked. "53" Lily responded. "Don't you think that you spent a little to much? Aren't you supposed to save your money for the future" I asked. "Chaos are you serious right now? We have no idea if your mom may be dead or what happened to Tristan and Lizzie" Lily said. "now that I think about, my mom may be dead" I said, my voice sadden. I dropped my head, looking at the ground. Dad always say's push through the pain, it may hurt but you have to be strong. I'm going to be strong for him, mom, Tristan, Lizzie, Lily, Zack, and everyone else. We have no idea what Jace can do but I know he has a plan, we have to be one step ahead of him. I'm going to save my sister. I'm going to find my mom and Tristan. I'm going to find out the truth. Then I lifted my face back up to look at Lily and Zack, I didn't realize they were saying my name over and over. "Are you okay?" Lily asked. "I think you broke him" Zack said. "Shut up!" Lily snapped. "Whatever your not going to make it better...CHAOS WAKE UP YOU BUM" Zack yelled. "Well that didn't work" Lily said. "I'm fine" I answered. "I am so sorry!" Lily apologized. "Oh so you admit it" Zack said. "It's fine, I'm serious. Let's just get to work" I said. Lily and Zack look at each other and nod.

Lily, Zack and me finished setting up stuff for practice. It was getting dark out and Zack insisted that we go his house and sleep there for the night.But I shook my head and said we need to practice, so we begin.

"Let's start with your shape shifting ability" Lily said. "So who or what do I transform into?" I asked. "Ooooh, Do me! Do me!" Zack explained. "Okay, okay fine" I said. I look closely at on Zack's feature's and details. Honestly once I transformed into Zack I will definitely make fun of him. Then it begins, my body starts to transform. It feels so weird. It feels like my body is slimy, it's disgusting and it looks disgusting. I hear Zack chuckle a little. He has no idea how disgusting this feels like. "I did not I looked that hot" Zack said giggling. I transform back into myself. "Maybe you can pretend to be Jace's Aunt? I remember you were talking about Jace and you said he had a mom, that was your aunt?" Lily asked. Oh yeah! Aunt melody would always check up on Jace constantly. Why isn't she now? Why isn't she worried. "Yeah...I think my aunt has something to do what's going on" I explained. "Are you sure?" Lily asked. "Yes, My aunt would never just let Jace stay at my house without calling him to make sure his okay" I said. "That is strange but we have a lot of work to do at the moment" Lily said. I nod. She was right, it was time focus on training.

After a few time of shape shifting into different people, it was really dark outside but we all decided that we can't stop training here. Now we will begin my teleporting. "So think of a place around this land, that you want to teleport right?" Lily asked. "Yeah...ready?" I asked. "Heck yeah!" Zack said in a exciting voice. I was thinking of a place to teleport. I thought of teleporting on top of the tree. Soon everything would go black. Now lily and Zack did not know where I was. Then I could see. I was on top of the tree that I thought of. "Guys! I'm up here!" I yelled down to them. They both look up to see me hanging off the tree. "Be careful! You should get down from there!" Lily said. "That was cool! At least we know it works" Zack said. Then I teleport back to lily and Zack. "It's so easy!" I said. "That's what you think. How fast can you go with teleporting?" Lily asked. "What?" I asked. I'm confused. "Like what's your speed rate?" Lily asked. "Well I honestly have no idea" I said. Then I see something moving in the woods. "What's that?" I asked. "What's what?" Lily asked. I pointed south from where I was, the exact directions where I saw "it" or "someone" "It looks like a person" Zack said. I looked closely at this person and then I realized. It was Jace.

End of chapter.
~My notes~
I know I haven't been posting chapters. I'm trying to make them longer like I did with this chapter and make it more interesting. I don't want this story to become too violent. Thank you for your patience

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