Secret Admirer

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The first note was inside her locker on the first day of senior year after lunch. It was just a simple post-it with a phrase, but it made Santana genuinely smile.

She was mad that she had to eat those nasty salads that Sue created, while the rest of the Glee kids were eating a delicious hamburger. So when the bell rang, Santana got up from her chair without looking at anyone and went to her locker.

The hallways were packed with people, but they all parted when they saw her, especially since she was frowning.

When she opened her locker, the first thing she noticed was a blue post-it at the bottom of her locker.

'This is going to sound crazy, but… from the moment I first set eyes on you I haven't been able to stop thinking about you.'
-Leigh Fallon

This part may sound implausible, but Santana blushed. And that was not all, she also felt those annoying butterflies in her stomach.

Santana looked both ways down the hall, but there were too many students. The handwriting was calligraphic, so it was definitely a girl. Besides, it was a romantic gesture, which boys no longer did.

But who was that girl? It couldn't be Tina because she was with Mike, and Brittany was (secretly) with Quinn. Mercedes was with Trouty Mouth, Sugar probably wrote like she sang... horrible. And Rachel, although she was no longer with Finn, now seemed to have a certain fascination with Puck.

Well, if Santana was anything, it was persistent. She wouldn't stop until she found out who her secret admirer was.


After that note, she would find flowers, chocolates or even small pieces of jewelry in her locker. But the next post-it came when Finn outed her.

"Have you found out who your secret admirer is?"

"No, B. She is very good at being discreet."

Santana could feel the gazes on her, judging her. But she was good at ignoring others, so that's what she did. She walked down the hall with a frown, until she opened her locker and a smile spread across her face when she saw a red post-it.

'I may never find words beautiful enough to describe all that you mean to me, but I will spend the rest of my life searching for them.'
-John Mark Green

PS: Finn is an idiot. He didn't have the right to out you. But don't be afraid, you're a fierce woman who is going to overcome all this. I believe in you.

The Latina giggled when she read that Finn was an asshole, and smiled even bigger when she read the end of the note. That girl believed in her.

Santana showed Brittany the note, and the blonde smiled. "You need to find out who that girl is."

"I know, but first I have something to do. I need the TroubleTones and the Glee girls in the auditorium, B."


That afternoon at the Glee reunion, Santana sang 'I Kissed a Girl' alongside all the girls, and it felt amazing. Also that afternoon, Santana saw an interesting pack of post-its in Racel's backpack. But she didn't say anything because the post-its were green, not red.


"How's going the mission of finding out who your secret admirer is? And, by the way, how do you know she's a girl?" Quinn asked as she waited for Santana to finish gathering her belongings.

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