Sweet Lady Kisses

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A normal day at McKinley always started with the three gossip leaders huddled up in front of one of their lockers, well, gossiping. So this was a very, very normal day, with Kurt, Mercedes and Tina whispering what each one of them saw on their way to their individual lockers. It was something that happened every morning, with the slight difference that the protagonist of the gossip was none other than Rachel Berry.

"Did you see it? I mean, you must've seen it when you walked past her!" Kurt asked Tina, who was a little bit confused by the boy's question.

"Yes, girl! That thing practically covered Rachel's entire neck. It was huge!" Mercedes exclaimed, a little too much excited about the piece of gossip they had between their claws.

"Damn it! I was texting Mike when I walked past her, guys." Tina said in a whiny tone, pushing her lower lip in a pout.

"You can see it now. But be discreet, she's looking at us right at this exact moment." The feminine boy informed the Asian girl.

Tina turned around as discreetly as possible, trying not to look like the girl from the exorcist. But when she saw the giant purple mark that was adorning Rachel's neck, she couldn't stop her reaction from coming out loud.

"Sweet goth vampires!" She quickly slapped her hand against her mouth with her eyes wide open.

Rachel looked at Tina frowning, then she shocked her head and, straightening her back, walked down the hall towards her homeroom. The Asian girl turned back to look at her fellow gossipers, her jaw almost hitting the floor and her eyes shimmering with enthusiasm. Best. Gossip. Ever.

By the end of the day, everyone was talking about Rachel and the evident love bite on her neck. Tina walked into the choir room excited, expecting ro get some well needed and deserved answers about that matter. Rachel was already there, and she blushed and looked anywhere but at Tina, embarrassed by the fact that she saw the mark on her neck.

Slowly, the gleeks started to walk into the room, Kurt and Mercedes sitting next to Tina to whisper about Rachel's behaviour. The small diva was glancing at the door from time to time, her leg slightly bouncing, as if she was waiting for someone. It wasn't until the Unholy Trinity walked into the room that Rachel's leg stopped bouncing and she shot up her seat.

"Brittany, may we have a conversation in a private place before Mr. Schue arrives?"

Brittany looked really confused, "What?"

Rachel rolled her eyes, but there was amusement reflected on her face, "Can we talk? Alone."

The blonde's expression turned from confused, to realization, and then, when she saw Rachel's neck, her expression became unreadable to the other gleeks.

"I'm so sorry, Rachie! I know you told me not to leave love bites on you, at least not on visible spots. It's just that I was so focused on how hot your sweet lady kisses were, that I forgot…"

Brittany kept talking, each word making everyone's jaws hang a little bit more closer to the room's floor. Tina, Mercedes and Kurt shared a look of pure enjoyment and satisfaction. They were receiving answers and more juicy topics to gossip about. Best. Day. Ever.

"And I understand that you don't want people to know that we are unicorns together. I get that you're ashamed of being seen with me…"

Right there Rachel came back to herself and looked at Brittany, who's deep blue eyes were shimmering with tears. And suddenly Rachel was well aware of what was happening around her since she had blocked all of her senses when Brittany started rambling.

"Wait, who said I was ashamed of being seen with you?" The diva asked, just before Quinn trapped Santana around her waist, while the Latina rambled curses in Spanish.

"I just assumed it. Most people think I'm dumb and stupid…"

The smaller girl sucked a breath before approaching Brittany, extending one hand to wipe away a loner tear that escaped the blonde's eyes. Brittany leaned against Rachel's hand, enjoying the warmth of her girlfriend's touch, and then her tears started to escape freely from her blue eyes.

"Brittany, sweetheart… I'm not ashamed of being seen with you, it's quite the opposite actually." Rachel said, her voice softer than usual, surprising most of the Glee kids.

Brittany blinked her tears away and let one of her hands rest against one of Rachel's. "Really? 'Cause you are all smart and have a great voice, and I'm just a dumb, blonde cheerleader."

"You are way more than that! You are Brittany S. Pierce, the best dancer I know, you are sweet, and carrying, and loyal. You are a unicorn, you are a genius, you are special… And most importantly, you are my girlfriend, and I would never be ashamed of having that privilege."

A sweet and bright smile emerged on Brittany's face, and she was about to kiss Rachel when Santana got free of Quinn's strong grip. The Latina lunged at the little diva with all her might, and all Rachel had time to do was pull Brittany behind her to prevent her from getting hurt.

Rachel braced herself and closed her eyes waiting for the Latina to go all Lima Heights on her. When the diva didn't feel the fury of Santana, she opened her eyes to a shocking image. Santana was staring with wide eyes at someone behind Rachel, a strong pale hand gripping tightly the Latina's wrist. The petite brunette turned around to see Brittany with an, uncharacteristically, murderous look on her face staring at her best friend.

Santana let out a low whimper when Brittany tightened the grip on her wrist, the sound bringing Rachel into action. She wrapped her arms around Brittany's mid-section and hid her face on the girl's neck.

"Brittany, you need to let her go." She whispered, just to feel Brittany's head move in denial. "Sweetheart, you're hurting and scaring Santana. Please, let go of her wrist." 

This time Rachel nuzzled her nose against the pale neck, knowing it would calm Brittany, and she immediately felt her girlfriend's muscles start to untense. Rachel started peppering feather light kisses across the blonde's neck until Brittamy let go of Santana's wrist and wrapped her long arms around Rachel's petite figure.

"I'm so sorry, San…" The blonde murmured, her eyes filling with tears of regret. "But you were going to hurt Rachie… I couldn't let you hurt her, not again." 

Santana rub her wrist, were a hand shape mark was starting to get visible and glared at both girls. "Why? She's just Manhands!"

Rachel tensed at the nickname, and Brittany frowend, glaring at the Cheerio. "Her name is Rachel. And I can't let you hurt her because I love her."

Everyone in the room gasped, and Rachel pushed herself away from Brittany and stared straight into the blonde's blue eyes. "You love me?"

"Of course I do, silly!" Brittany answered, pulling Rachel closer to her. 

The diva smiled brightly and pecked Brittany's lips. "I love you too."

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