I Will Always Love You

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Mr. Schue was the first to find out what had happened, still unable to believe it. A few days ago they had talked, really talked, things opposite to Glee. And now he was receiving heartbreaking news.

As an adult and manager of the Glee Club, Mr. Schuester found it wise to be the bearer of the news. So he was on his way to the choir room, the one where they had created many moments together. How would he tell his students the news?

He didn't notice when he reached the choir room, still immersed in memories, the recent news echoing in his head. The Glee kids were staring at him, noticing his red, tear-filled eyes that even he hadn't noticed.

"Are you okay, Mr. Schue?" Kurt asked, his hand resting on the empty chair next to him, as if he was saving it for someone.

Mr. Schuester noticed, the lump in his throat intensifying at the idea of how the boy would react to what he had to say. None of that went unnoticed by the Glee kids who were beginning to worry.

"I come from Principal Figgins's office..." He took a deep breath trying to ease the pressure on his chest.

"There was a car accident this morning..." Come on William, you have to tell them.

"Rachel was involved in that accident and she... she didn't survive."

As Mr. Schuester had thought, Kurt threw himself into Blaine's arms crying uncontrollably. But how not? He had just found out that his best friend had died. Such a devastating reaction from him was to be expected.

But who took the news worst, to everyone's surprise, was Santana. "Are you kidding, Mr. Schue? Because if so, let me tell you it's not funny."

"I would never joke with something like that, Sa-"

"No, no, no... She can't be dead..."

Santana tried to hold back, she really did. But the tears came out, a scream, even more heartbreaking than Kurt's cry, coming from deep in her throat. And before everyone knew what was happening, she had disappeared from the room, Quinn hot on her heels.

The blonde found her best friend in Rachel's favorite place at school, the auditorium. She was kneeled in the middle of the stage, crying like Quinn had never seen her before. "Santana."

"I liked her…" Quinn approached the Latina, placing a hand on the other girl's shoulder in a comforting way.

"We all liked her, even though sometimes she was loud and irritant-" 

Santana cut her off, standing up in front of her, whipping aggressively the tears on her face. "No, you don't get it. I loved her, Q. I was in love with her and now she's gone!"

Quinn didn't know what to say, so she just walked over to Santana and hugged her. The Latina clung to her best friend's body and again began to cry uncontrollably.

"I love you too, Santana."

The blonde thought she was going crazy, because she was pretty sure she heard Rachel's voice saying those words. But when Santana pulled away from the embrace with a frown, she knew she wasn't the only one who heard it.

Santana looked at Rachel standing just at the foot of the stage stairs. Then she smiled and the diva proceeded to approach her. "I knew you weren't dead."

Rachel smiled sadly and hugged the Latina who clung to her tightly. "I'm dead, Santana. I just kinda demanded some extra time so I can talk to you."

"What do you mean?" Santana asked, never pulling away from the hug, but tightening the grip.

"You know what was the first thing I thought of just before the truck hit our car?"

The Latina denied, and Rachel broke away from the hug a little so she could cradle Santana's face. "I thought about you... about you and how I was never going to be able to kiss you and tell you what I felt."

"You… you…"

Rachel pulled the tanned girl's face closer and whispered, "I was so in love with you that sometimes it even hurt. I'm still in love with you."

And then she kissed her.

The kiss was slow and tender, so much so that even Quinn felt it. Santana tangled her hands in Rachel's brown locks, and the little girl grabbed her waist, pulling her closer.

They were so lost on each other's lips, they didn't notice when Quinn left them alone. And when Santana's need to breathe became an issue, they pulled away and braced their foreheads together.

"I have to go, they only gave me a few minutes."

Santana sighed deeply, she wasn't ready to lose her, not after that kiss.

"How am I going to continue my life without you, Rach."

Rachel smiled, placing a tender kiss on Santana's forehead. "You just have to look in front of you, Tana. There will be an answer."

When Rachel disappeared, Santana could see Brittany at the entrance of the auditorium. The blonde was watching her with an expression of pain and Santana felt sure showing herself weak in front of her. That's what Rachel meant.

She looked up at the ceiling of the auditorium and, smiling, murmured, "I love you, Rachel Berry, and I will always love you."

And Santana could swear she heard a whisper saying, "I love you too, Santana Lopez, and I will always love you."

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