Before Graduation Day

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Rachel and Puck were best friends. Yes, you're reading right, not only best friends, the two jews were cousins. You can imagine the chaos that the revelation of those news created, not in the Glee club, but in the whole damn school. Why? Because nobody expected that Rachel Berry, McKinley's resident loser, and Noah Puckerman, sex shark, were related by blood.

The news spread quickly, and shortly after, Rachel wasn't known as a loser, she was known as Noah Puckerman's cousin, and she was fucking untochable. No more slushies, no more nicknames, no more shoves against the lockers, no more bullying. And anyone who dared do any of those, well, no one actually dared to do it, Puck was one scary jew.

Tomorrow was their graduation, after four long years, they were finally graduating and heading away from the hell hole that was Lima, Ohio. So Puck walked into the choir room after lunch, with an arm thrown over Rachel's shoulders and a big, enormous smile plastered on his face. 

"Rachel and I have an annunciation!" The boy exclaimed, pulling Rachel a little closer to his body.

"Announcement, Noah!" The brunette said, shoving Noah's arm away from her shoulders when she saw the death glare that a certain Latina was sending at the boy.

Puck frowned at the way his cousin pushed him away, but just shrugged. "Whatever! Since we are graduating tomorrow, this boy over here and his lovely cousin organized a farewell party."

"We will send you the address of the place in the afternoon!" Was all Rachel managed to say before Puck dragged her out of the choir room.

Just as Rachel said, when the last bell of the day rang, each Glee kid's phone lit up with a notification, the address of the party. Most of the double checked the text message, and they even gathered together in front of Finn's locker to check if they all had the same address. They weren't seeing wrong, each message said the same, the party was in Lima Heights.

At 8:30 pm, the three cheerleaders that formed part of the Glee club were entering the bar that was specified on the address. The two blondes decided to take a lift with Santana, mainly because they were scared of going into Lima Heights on their own.

"Are we sure that coming to this party was a good idea?" Quinn asked, tightening the grip she had on Brittany's arm.

"Bitch, Lima Heights isn't dangerous." Santana said, rolling her eyes and looking for a familiar face.

"What do you know? You don't even live near here." The blonde augmented back.

"I know, but I've spent enough time here to know that this place is nothing like everyone says." She answered back, finally spotting a familiar figure behind the bar.

Santana grabbed Brittany's free hand and pulled her towards the bar, the tall blonde pulling Quinn with her as well. The Latina, having been there before, knew very well that Puckerman couldn't throw a party at his family's bar without his mother being present in the place. So the figure she saw behind the bar was no other than Marina Puckerman.

"Hey mama Puckerman!" She said, loud enough for the woman to hear above the music.

"Santana, sweetheart! How are you?" The short woman asked, passing Santana and the two blondes, glasses with beer.

"I'm fine. We are looking for Puckerman, or Rachel. Whoever we can find first." 

"Oh, dear! You already know where those two are. Puck is collecting the money from the bets on the track." The woman said, refiling a man's glass with beer.

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