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It was supposed to be a normal day for Rachel. She would go to school, get two slushie facials, and then take refuge in the Glee Club.

But the day was just the opposite, she did get two  slushie facials, the afternoon was a disaster. At the end of another day pretending to be Rachel Berry, the egotistical and loud diva, she was supposed to take refuge in music. It helped her relax, and, for a moment, forget what her job entailed.

When the door to the choir room opened, no one expected two young men completely dressed in black to enter. Rachel ignored them, at least as soon as they entered. But when they spoke, the brunette recognized the Italian accent perfectly. Only one word could be used to describe that moment: Danger.

She knew they were looking for her, for that reason she was undercover in the middle of nowhere. But how did they find out that she was there? Rachel looked at all the Glee kids, someone there was an imposter just like her.

Nobody saw the next thing coming that happened, only Rachel who had good reflexes and managed to see when the two boys took the pistols that they had in the waistband of their pants. She quickly got to her feet, removing the two pistols she always carried strapped to her thighs and pointed directly at the boys.

"Chi ti ha detto dove trovarmi?" Her italian was perfect and both boys smiled.
(Who told you where to find me?)

"Non daremmo mai via la nostra informatrice, Rachel... O preferiresti che ti chiamassi Rebecca?"
("We would never give our informant away, Rachel... Or would you rather have me call you Rebecca?")

The Glee kids were looking at the conversation like a tennis game, not understanding a word of what they were saying.

"Ti do un massimo di tre per abbassare le armi."
("I'll give you a maximum of three to lower your weapons.")

Rebecca tightened her grip on her pistols, she hated when people disobeyed her. So every time Finn did something stupid, she had to take deep breaths so as not to lose character and insult the tall boy.


The next thing everyone heard was two shots followed by two bodies falling to the ground. Rebecca didn't hesitate to put a bullet in the brains of both boys.

"Newbies." She murmured and then turned to look at Santana. "And why did you stare and didn't help me?"

Santana bit her bottom lip, she loved it when Rebecca ditched her Rachel Berry act and became the sexy undercover agent, Rebecca Smith. "I'm sorry, my love, but you know what happens to me when you speak Italian."

Rebecca smirked, winking at her girlfriend. "I know baby, that's why I do it."

"Did Santana just call you 'my love'?"

The undercover agent rolled her eyes and dropped her body on top of Santana's legs. "Yes."


"Oh, you see Finn, it's just because Santana and I really like to play roles... She's my girlfriend, you dumbass." 

Santana encircled Rachel's waist and leaned her chin on top of her girlfriend's shoulder. "Calm down, my love. You know how Finnidiot's brain work." 

At that moment, another Italian entered the choir room and Santana took one of Rebecca's pistols to shoot him.

"Look, ball of losers, we're undercover agents and we're in the middle of a job. So everyone will close the door when Rebecca and I leave and won't come out until we tell you you can, unless you all want to end up dead."

Santana got up and left the choir room with Rebecca behind her. Luckily there were not many students left in the school so in the middle of the shooting they did not have to worry about killing someone innocent.

They managed to arrest Sugar Motta, the mind behind the whole case they were investigating and right now they were saying goodbye to their friends. The first rule of their work was not to get attached to anyone, but after three years living there, it was impossible not to make friends.

"Will we see each other again?" Kurt asked Rebecca.

"Who knows, Kurt. The world is so small that maybe we'll see each other sometime."

He nodded and hugged his best friend, while across the room, Santana was hugging Brittany.

"I'm going to miss you, San." The blonde muttered.

"Me too, B."

A tall man approached both officers and they had to break away from their respective embraces.

"It's time to go, girls."

Rebecca looked at the Glee kids before smiling, "I hope you all fulfill your dreams guys. I know one day I'll hear your voice on the radio, Mercedes, and you'll be on Broadway, Kurt."

They smiled and said goodbye to the girls.

Rebecca dropped her head on Santana's shoulder. "Where do you think they will send us this time, Tana?"

"I don't know, my love, but I hope I don't get attached to anyone there."

"Me too. Saying goodbye sucks."

They laughed and got on the private jet that was waiting for them. They didn't know what their next destination was, but at least they had each other.

"I love you, Santana López-Smith."

"And I love you too, Rebecca Smith-Lopez

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