Comfort Zone

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Mr. Schue entered the choir room with a grin from ear to ear that most of the guys associated with a certain redhead obsessed with cleanliness. Rachel on the other hand found something that bothered her in that smile, especially when the teacher fixed his gaze on her. The diva was aware that she was not Mr. Schue's or anyone else's favorite person in the Glee Club, which initially bothered her. But over time she learned to accept that no one would ever take the time to fully get to know her, and she would always be judged by how she projected at school.

As the teacher clapped his hands, each of the students settled into their seats, turning their attention to Mr. Schue. The man walked over to the blackboard and in the very center wrote 'Comfort Zone'.

"For this week I want each of you to get out of your comfort zone, to explore a new genre of music. And to achieve that, I took the liberty of choosing musical genres completely opposite to what each of you used to sing."

A chorus of complaints were heard in the room, but Mr. Schuester ignored them and began to mention each student and which music genre they would be singing. Everyone expected some sort of complaint from Rachel when the teacher told her that she would have to sing a heavy metal, or at least a rock, song. The whole club was left expecting when she just dived her head into her notebook and started writing. Now, only one of the students noticed the little smirk that the diva was trying to hide, because only she knew that Rachel Berry was much more than Broadway songs.


Rachel was in her room, music blaring as she danced on her bed and sang into her hairbrush. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her wet hair was dripping water onto her oversized Metallica T-shirt, and one of her hands was moving to the beat of the music. Right there and then she was more than glad that her father decided to make her room soundproof. To Rachel it was a blessing that she was able to blast music at the highest volume without bothering the neighbors. I mean, one complaint for peace alteration was more than enough for the Berry family to make that investment.

The diva was so into the music that she didn't notice when someone entered her room. A loud shriek escaped her lips as a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and lifted her into the air, but she immediately calmed down when she recognized her girlfriend's scent. Unfortunately, or fortunately, Rachel had started shaking before she recognized the arms around her, so both girls were now sprawled out on the bed. The diva's small body was on top of her girlfriend's toned body, who took advantage of the position to tighten her grip and draw the shorter one closer.

She felt lips place a delicate kiss behind her ear, and Rachel released a content sigh, relaxing her body and allowing the other girl to snuggle her up. It was almost inevitable that Rachel's eyes didn't close, her every sense surrounded by the simple presence of a person. The heat that emanated from the body that was pressed against hers made the diva question why it had taken both of them so long to acknowledge their feelings.

"Why haven't we been cuddling for years?" Rachel asked, her voice so low it almost went unnoticed by her girlfriend.

"Because you were with Finnidiot and I was way too deep in the closet to admit that your extremely short skirts drove me crazy."

Rachel smiled and turned in her girlfriend's arms to face her, the diva's brown eyes colliding with the gaze of none other than Santana Lopez. The Latina smiled, and the smaller of the two felt butterflies fill her stomach. Back in sophomore year if someone had told the two of them that they were going to be in bed snuggling, Santana probably would have died laughing and Rachel would have considered it an insult. But in junior year, when the Latina was struggling to hide her sexuality by pretending to be in a relationship with Karofsky, and the diva was trying to do the same but with Finn, both girls found comfort in each other.

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