⚠️On hiatus i'm not abandoning this story just been very busy⚠️
When Andy potter is favored the Potter's decides that their son harry isn't good enough anymore and is forgotten and taken to the dursley's but later into the arms of infamous the Joker...
I watched as my son bud and Lou played around "so hades what are we going to do about the hole school thing?" Asked pudin' hades "Well idk" said hades "hmmm what if we call Zoe over and she what she think" I suggested to them hades frowned and bit his lip "I like that idea" he took out his phone and texted Zoe
3rd POV Text messages Hades Zoe Hey babe• yes hun• can you come over like, right now plz• sure but why what up• well remember that time I told about those crazy ppl I told you about in June•yeah, the ppl that wanted you to fight a crazy man• well I wanted to talk to you about that• ok I'll be right there• End of text messages between Zoe and Hades Time skip ⏭ 6 mins later The door bell rang "I'll get it" and with that Harley got up and went downstairs "Hi baby girl how are ya?" Asked Harley "Oh doing just great how are you and joke" replied Zoe "were just fine" Harley answers as Zoe and Deadshot walked in and that moment Joker came down "Well well hello you two, Hades is upstairs" Joker said "Oh and beware he's having a mental break down" warned Harley "I heard that" screamed hades from his room Zoe giggles lightly as she jogged up the stairs she finally reached hades' room and knocked lightly "Babe can i come in" "Come in!" When Zoe stepped in it was like the world stopes she has these bright blue eyes and cute dimples a button nose and lots of freckles her voice is like a 90s singer soft and angle like Whenever she stayed the night and he had a nightmare she sang "it's been a long, long time" or "fly me too the moon" and he always went to sleep right after
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Yes she's 14 and has tattoos fight me!
"Babe what's wrong" Zoe asked as she walked over to the bed and sat for instantly hades lays down with his head on her lap and her messaging his scalp "I don't know what to do I'm going to Hogwarts the 1 of September and I just don't wanna lose you of anyone close to me , will you go with me ?" He asked Zoe "I'd love to but what about my dad?" She replied "I think that your old enough to go out in your own plus you have hades with you" said Deadshot with Harley and Joker behind him Zoe got up and Hugged his soul out of him " thank you thank you thank you!!" "N-No problem Sweetie let go please" Dead shot said strained "Oh right sorry!" Said Zoe for the rest of the night they watched movies and lots of played games and overall had an amazing time Zoe and Deadshot went home for that she could pack all she needed and went to sleep
Time skip to tomorrow aka August 31 a day before they go to Hogwarts
Hades POV Beeb... beeb...beeb... the annoying sound that came from my alarm clock I got up stretched and walked over to my gym did several exercises once done I went to my bathroom I stripped of my clothes and let my body be drenched in cold water it was the only way to wake me up I am not a morning person in a night owl at heart I used my Jasmine scented shampoo and conditioner as well as body wash I wrapped a towel around my waist and stepped out I let my self dry I walked over to the the counter I brushed my teeth I took out some heat protecting oil and messaged it into my hair I took out my hair dryer and started drying it and done I styled my hair with a bit of gel once I was dry and put on some deodorant and cologne and snapped on my clothes.
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A/N he has the be kind tattoo on his collar bone he was the red faced one on his shoulder blade he has the smiley face on his forearm and the mask one on his wrist and the hand one on his hand
I walked out of my bathroom and went into my room that was still a mess Ok now i really need to pack a little magic wouldn't hurt right and swiftly snapped my fingers and my clothes and all of my toiletries were all packed in seconds in headed down stairs to smell amazing cooking done by my mom wearing a kiss the chef apron " morning mom" I said trying to be cheerful "Hi pumpkin how are u doing?" My mom aid back to me trying to make conversation "I could be better, where's dad" I asked "oh went to go pick up Zoe" said my mom looking up "ok" I said my dad always worked or had to be somewhere so I'm closer to my mom but whenever my dad and I get the chance we play poker with other business men (and women) but we always win no matter what I started playing poker at a very young age I'm a master at it I'm also great at dancing tho I don't do much anymore I used to do it to help my flexibility I also didn't stay still at a kid to dancing kept me busy when my parents when out I also reed a lot after I found out I'm a wizard when I was seven. I sat down at the table and took my phone out and went on TikTok just scrolling my for you page my mom came over and placed my plate of food down on the table top "thank you mom" I said "No problem pumpkin" two minutes into eating the door opens and bud and Lou looked up from the tray of food on the floor and ram over to see my dad and Zoe Zoe bent down to pet bud and Lou "Hi mom hi babe" said Zoe "Hiya muffin" said mom "hi babe, I'll help you take your suitcases upstairs" I said "thanks" she replied.
Time skip to uh, 7:40 pm
Zoe stayed the night and we ended up watching stranger things and white chicks only if tomorrow was as easy at today
How that was a long chapter sorry I haven't updated the I'm sooo busy but I hope this is enough bye