⚠️On hiatus i'm not abandoning this story just been very busy⚠️
When Andy potter is favored the Potter's decides that their son harry isn't good enough anymore and is forgotten and taken to the dursley's but later into the arms of infamous the Joker...
A/N if this doesn't make sense I will do a explanation the next chapter 😊
3rd persons POV It was Halloween night Lily and James Potter were on a date and Lily was scared that something would happen to Andy and Harry Potter her twin boys you could easily tell them apart Andy has hazle eyes and red hair and more chubby Harry was slim had pitch black hair and bright emerald green eyes with gold flecks in them
#############Time skip############
October 30th Halloween night
Jame and Lilly were going an a date and left Peter to babysit the Potter twin big mistake
"Peter are u sure you want to babysit" said Lilly while grabbing her purse She was still worried about the prophecy and her boys
"Yes you two need an date and I can babysit them whenever u need" Peter was worried but kept his emotions inside hidden
"Ok then we will be going" James said walking towards them he picked up Andy and Lilly picked up Harry from the couch and saying there final goodbyes and left.
It's 10:30 pm and there's a nock on the door and it's the dark lord him self Peter goes downstairs and opens the door "M-m-m-my -my L-l-lo-lor-lord" you see Peter always follows the person with power and protect him "Are they here wormtail?" Asked Voldemort "Y-y-ye-yes m-m-my l-l-l-lo-lord" "good step aside" peter did as he is told and as Voldemort went up stairs and Peter following behind him he walked in to a nursery to find two cribs he looked a Andy them he looked at Harry "I see this one has green eyes the same color of the curse I'm going to kill u with" Harry sat there confused while Any was crying and with the flick of this wand he held 'Avada keravra' he yelled an explosion so big u could here it from miles away Peter turned into his rat form and runs away it hit Harry on the forehead and left a lighting scar on his above his right eye and any had a 'V' on his left cheek. luckily Lilly and James came home early and and quickly ram inside and called the order of the Phoenix and they all got there as fast as they could. They could here crying when the walked in James did a spell to clean everything up and they all rushed up stairs to see and pitch black cloak and Andy and Harry. All of there eyes locked on Andy as the 'V' was noticed and while Harry scar was hidden Albus slowly picked up Andy and said "I present to u Any Evan Potter the Boy-who-lived." Little did he know it was the biggest mistake ever literally that mistake cost the world while young Harry there confounded then Lilly questions Albus "Albus what about Harry?" Albus replied "We will send Harry away to Petunia he will get Jealous by all the attention and fame and it will get worse as they get older" James and Lilly looked at each other and agreed with a nod "Ok Albus we will send him away tonight" everyone left except James, Lilly, Sirius, Remus, Albus, and McGonagoll they where sitting in the kitchen table and wrapping Harry in a blanket. Then Albus left to privite drive number 4 and left Harry there without a second thought and left
^^^^^^^^^^^^Time skip^^^^^^^^^^^^ Four years later Hade's POV
"Get up BOY!!!!" Vernon yelled he is the size of a whale literally while his wife petunia Dursley ńee evens is a horse face women and there son Dudley Dursley was a brat of a pig Harry sat up and put on his glasses "Coming uncle Vernon" he opens the door only to be closed by his cousin Dudley he sighs and get's up goes to the kitchen and starts to make breakfast "don't burn ANYTHING you FREAK" petunia the horse faced women said sneering at the young child "yes aunt petunia"said Harry Then there was a loud bang and another the two people came in a women and a man that were an unhealthy pale they're tall and lean.
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You guessed it Harley Quinn and Joker. Vernon being the idiot that he is yelled "Get out of my house!!!!" The Joker pulled out a hand gun and shot him in his forehead Dudley whimpers and hides behind petunia Harley to charge this one Harley stepped forward and simply said "bye bye" she took her gun and killed petunia Harley also killed Dudley "Well at least you get to be with your mommy and daddy" and with that the Dursley's were no more then the Joker looked over at Harry he thought he'd be scared but what Harry did shocked both of them "I liked what u did to my relatives I'm Harry Potter" then he stepped forward and smiled. It was obvious he was abused as Harry had scars and bruises and his arms and face " awww pudín and we keep him please!?!" Whined Harley Joker thought he might have been a murderer and a so called psycho but he hated child abuse and a that moment he made a promise to himself that he would love Harry forever so he smiled softly and said "yes Harls we can keep him" Harley went up to Harry and ask "would u like to come with us?"Harry made a thinking face and said "yes" so Harley held out her hand and offered it to Harry and Harry gladly took it and so Joker and Harley Quinn got a hold of a child what could go wrong ?