Chapter 13

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*5 months later*

"Mm, good morning baby", I said kissing Louis neck and shoulder and rubbed circles on her baby bump.

"Good morning princess", I said kissing Riley's cheek and Louis sat up getting off the bed going into the bathroom.

"Oh shit, good morning baby, I'm sorry", she yelled and I chuckled trying to wake Riley. I tickled her nose with my hair and she furrowed her eyebrows turning the other way.

"Babe can we go get pickles and mustard today", Louis asked coming out of the bathroom and I scrunched my face in disgust.

"Your cravings are so weird", I said and she looked at me furrowing her eyebrows then smirked.

"Even when I crave you", she said walking over to me straddling my lap and I bit my lip slapping her bum. It felt.....bigger?

"You're getting a bit chubbier back there", I said squeezing her bum and she pouted getting off my lap.

"No baby don't be ashamed of it, I like seeing your face and body all chubby, it's so cute", I said grabbing her hips kissing her belly button and she nodded sitting back on my lap.

"Am I heavy", she whispered shyly and I shook my head no kissing her cheeks making her laugh. I heard the doorbell ring and got up with Louis in my arms opening it seeing Jay and Anne with Gemma and Harry.

"Louis' being a baby huh", Jay said and I nodded chuckling. She climbed off me hugging her ma and I smiled letting them in. I closed the door locking it and saw princess standing by the room rubbing her eyes.

"Da'ey", she said walking over to me raising her arm and pointed to the room making me chuckle. I already knew she wanted to wear one of her dresses, she wears them everyday since we go out every weekend to buy her one from target or the mall.

"You want daddy to do your hair", I said smiling kissing her nose and she furrowed her eyebrows shaking her head.

"Mummy", she said and I changed her diaper putting her dress on taking her to Louis.

"Baby she wants you to do her hair, I asked her can I do it she said no", I laughed and Louis got up taking her to the bathroom making me smile.

"Want to play the game", Harry asked and I nodded sitting in my chair turning the game on.

"Nope, no gaming", Jay said taking the remotes from us turning the game back off. Harry groaned and I just gaped.

"Ma come on, just one game", I said and she shook her head no making me groan. Same person as Louis but I like it for some weird reason.

"We've come here to talk about the baby nursery and what you guys want in there and the wedding", Anne said and we nodded turning to face them. Louis came out the bathroom and I saw Riley waddle over to me trying to run making me chuckle. She had her pigtails with her bows that match her dress and she was so beautiful.

"Oh my gosh, you're a big girl looking too cute", Anne said and princess walked over to her giggling climbing on her lap.

"Babe your bum is gigantic", Jay said to Louis feeling her bum and Louis covered her bum furrowing her eyebrows.

"No touching mama and it's just the pregnancy", she said sitting next to Gemma on the couch and Jay shrugged chuckling.


"Baby come on, just one round", I said trying to take her pants off and she shook her head no continuing to scroll through Instagram.

"You haven't gave me head in a very long time and you always do, I even gave you head yesterday and you didn't give me any", she said pushing me away and I got back between her legs pulling her leggings off.

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