Chapter 21

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"Liam look at this shit man", Zayn said showing me his phone and it was Louis gulping down 10 shots at a club with her friends. I sighed rolling my eyes taking out my phone calling her and put it on speaker.

"Watch this", I said turning the volume up and Zayn and Harry chuckled sitting up.

"What the fuck do you want Liam", she answered and I shook my head. Why does she has to answer like that.

"Louis don't play with me, why are you drinking like that and where are the kids", I said through the speaker and she sighed and I could tell she rolled her eyes.

"The kids are with both nanas perfectly fine, now good bye and don't call again and go fuck on morgan like you've been", she said and then just hung up. I rolled my eyes sitting back and tossed my phone on the table since it was already broken.

"Who the hell is Morgan", Zayn asked smoking the rest of the blunt and I sighed taking my shoes off.

"A lady I met at the store once and we've fucked a couple times and Louis knows about it", I said and they just stared at me then hummed.

"I don't know man, I don't think I'm with you on this one, I mean you guys are fucking married Liam why would you want to fuck that up which you technically already have", Harry said and Zayn nodded agreeing.

"Yeah, I mean I get that sometimes you're mad at her about her attitude or whatever but I don't think you should've cheated, you guys have kids together too", Zayn said and I got up going to the kitchen pouring a drink.

Louis POV

"Oh oh my gosh, I'm so sorry", I laughed to the person I bumped and felt their hands touching my bum.

"No it's fine, you're very beautiful", I heard them say and moved up a bit so they weren't touching me.

"Sorry, I have a husband and 2 kids with him so I can't do any hook ups just here to have fun", I said and they hummed walking away. I gulped my two shots down walking back over to the girls and Gigi pinched my bum.

"Why did you reject him, he's gorgeous, well not more gorgeous then Zayn but you know he is still gorgeous", she said and I laughed shrugging.

"I have a husband and two kids with that husband why would I hook up with someone else", I laughed and she sighed rolling her eyes.

"To be honest, you need to have fun, Liam cheated and had his fun so it's your time to have your fun, hell if Kendall ever cheated on me, I would be cheating too just for fun even if I don't have to stoop that low to get revenge", Bella said and I sighed looking around the place.

"Come on Lou, just go have fun, I hate seeing you's just not you", Perrie said and they pushed me making me bump into someone again.

"Fuck him", they mouthed to me and winked turning away from me pretending to be drinking. I rolled my eyes turning around and yes, mister was fine like wine.

"Um hi, sorry about that", I said moving my hair out of my face and he chuckled wrapping his arm around me touching my bum making me gasp a bit.

"It's fine, want to take a trip", he said winking looking at my body and face and I just nodded looking at the girls. They held up a thumbs up and smiled really big making my eyes roll again.

"This is your car", I asked surprised seeing a Bugatti right in front of my eyes and he nodded chuckling. He opened the door for me and I got in feeling the material smiling.

"This is cool shit", I said and he laughed closing the door to his side. He grabbed my throat kissing me and I hummed kissing him back just having fun like they said. Even though I felt guilty. I slid my hand down his torso unbuckling his belt and put my hand in his boxers feeling how big and hard he was. I chuckled in his mouth sliding his pants down and climbed over on top of him lifting my dress moving my panties aside. I sunk down on him moaning gripping his shoulder and he held my hips helping me ease down. After all that I fixed my hair putting it in a ponytail and pulled my dress down catching my breath.

"Well I should get back with my friends they're probably looking for me", I said and he chuckled kissing me again.

"Here's my number, if you ever want to you know", he said handing me a piece of paper and I chuckled taking it from him getting out of the car. I walked back in the club going to the girls and they looked at me with wide eyes.


"What the fuck! Why are there fucking hickeys on your neck", Liam yelled tilting my head by my hair and I pushed him away rolling my eyes.

"It's makeup, Gigi put it on to make you think I've cheated", I said turning to him sighing and he glared at me looking at them again.

"That isn't fucking makeup Louis, so who the fuck was kissing on you", he said moving my hair off my neck looking closely and I shrugged walking to the room with him following.

"Just a guy, who I met at the club, I had a little too much to drink", I said and he yanked me by my hair gripping my hip.

"Don't fuck with me", he growled in my ear and I felt his nails digging in my skin on my hip.

"Fine, I rode him in his car, you happy", I said and he pushed me hard on the bed.

"Don't act innocent Liam, you fucked Morgan like what 5 times", I said and he scoffed getting under the covers turning the light off. I shrugged getting under the covers and went to sleep not giving a fuck that he was mad.

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