13. || His Rage ||

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Debu left the room with a burning rage in his eyes after kissing Ananya's forehead once more. She had fallen into a deep slumber. As he stormed out of the house, everyone watched him in shock and confusion.

Debu drove furiously, his mind consumed by anger. "How could they hurt my wife? This is my fault; I underestimated them," he muttered to himself, gripping the steering wheel tightly. He drove straight towards Mayra's farmhouse, located far from the city at the edge of a forested area, knowing those responsible would be there.

Meanwhile, at the house, Rhea rushed to Ananya's room after seeing Debu leave with such intensity in his eyes. She found Ananya sleeping peacefully and assumed she was just exhausted from organizing the party. Gently, she covered Ananya with a duvet and left her to rest.


Debu angrily kicked open the farmhouse door as soon as he arrived. The hooting and shouting inside stopped abruptly. The group had been playing cards, celebrating after their heinous act against Ananya.

"Bastards," Debu thought, his rage intensifying.

The men gulped nervously and shivered as the sound of Debu's heavy footsteps echoed through the hall.

"De...Debu, tum yahan?" stammered the first man, his voice shaking like a leaf in winter.

"What else did you expect, you bastards? Tum Dev Joshi ki biwi ke saath badsaluki karoge and think you can party here freely? How dare you lay a hand on my wife?" Debu roared.

"Lies...you're being misled..." began one of them, but his sentence was cut short by a powerful punch and a bone-crunching kick to the stomach. He collapsed to the ground, groaning in pain.

Another one tried to say, "Debu, listen—" but Debu silenced him with a swift backhand slap.

"Shut up! How dare you even try to justify your actions?" Debu spat, glaring at them with pure hatred.

The rest of the men rushed towards Debu, but he fought them off with brutal efficiency, using his belt as a weapon until their noses bled and they were covered in bruises.

"You thought you could get away with this? Touching my wife and then sitting here playing cards?" Debu shouted, swinging the belt again. "You have no idea what you've unleashed."

When the belt finally broke, Debu still managed to overpower them, leaving them in a devastated state. He pointed his gun at them, his eyes blazing with fury. Before they could react, he shot one of them in the shoulder, eliciting a scream of pain as the bullet tore through flesh.

Debu grabbed one of the men by the hair. "If I wanted to, I could end you all right here, leaving your families without even your bodies to mourn over. But this will not suffice for the pain you caused My Ananya," he snarled. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number, putting the call on the speaker. "I need six rooms booked in government cells with minimal treatment within an hour," he ordered his subordinate.

He left the farmhouse, knowing his men would take care of the rest.


Back at the main house, everyone rushed towards Debu as he entered the hall, bombarding him with questions.

"Debu, what happened?"

"Why did you leave so suddenly?"

"Is everything alright?"

He ignored them, his focus solely on reaching their room where Ananya lay unconscious. The family followed him, witnessing him sitting beside her, caressing her face tenderly.

He was adjusting her pillow when the door burst open, and Mayra stormed in, shouting.

"Why the hell did you arrest my friends, Debu? You even assaulted them. How dare you?" she screamed, not noticing that Ananya had woken up and was silently observing the scene.

"Keep your voice down; my wife is sleeping. I won’t tolerate any more harm to her. Be grateful I only had them arrested and didn’t take their lives. Now tell me, how dare they assault my wife, hurt my wife?" Debu roared, stepping forward as Mayra stepped back.

"Please, Debu, they come from well-mannered families. How can you accuse them so easily? Would you believe anything your wife says without proof?" she argued, trying to defend her friends.

"Did you see what happened with your own eyes? No, right? Then how can you be so sure? Maybe your wife had issues with them beforehand and is lying," she added, stomping her heel in frustration.

"Miss Mayra, you are speaking about my wife. Watch your tongue and manners. I know my wife, and I trust her completely. I don’t need you to tell me about her character. My mistake was considering your friends sophisticated and thinking my Ananya was safe. So, you don’t need to raise your voice here. If you're done, you can leave right now," he said, showing her the door.

Mayra left, stomping her heels once more. Debu turned to his family. "Please, all of you, go and rest. Ananya and I are fine, and I am not in the mood to explain anything right now. Ananya is still unconscious, but when she wakes up tomorrow morning, please behave normally."

Everyone nodded and retired to their respective rooms. Debu returned to Ananya, who had closed her eyes and was pretending to sleep.

He lay down on the couch, closing his eyes after kissing and caressing her forehead. A lone tear escaped from Ananya's closed eyes, her lips curving into a small, bittersweet smile.

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