Chapter 1

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Waking up with water in her lungs, she turned to the side and coughed it out . Laying back on the floor, Elizabeth looked up to see beautiful dark brown eyes filled with relief staring at her. He looked like apirate with a dark red bandana wrapped around his brown dreadlocks which hadall sorts of trinkets hanging from them.

Reaching out to her side, he picked up Will's pirate medallion, his fingersbrushing against her skin sending a tingle of goosebumps up her arms, and curiously asked in a slurred British accent, "Where did you get that ?"

Before she could give a reply, she saw a sword pointed over her at the brown eyed man and heard a familiar voice say, "On your feet."

Raising his eyebrows at the sword, Jack slowly got up just as her father came. Taking her to the side and putting his coat on her drenched body, her father anxiously asked, "Are you alright ?"

Preoccupied by her savior's odd appearance, she quickly replied, "Yes, yes, I'm fine."

Her father took one look at the man and without a second thought, said, "Shoot him."

Breaking out of her trance at these words, she spoke up for the man, "Father ! Commodore, do you really intend to kill my rescuer ?"

After considering her words, Commodore Norrington lowered his sword and signaled his men to do the same. As her father looked doubtfully at Norrington, the man turned to her and, rather comically, put his hands together and nodded at her, making her slightly smile in amusement.

Putting his sword back in the sheath, Norrington extended his hand, "I believe thanks are in order."

After a moment's hesitation, the man reached out to grasp Norrington's hand. The moment their hands touched, Norrington pulled the man's hand towards him and lifted part of his dirtied white shirt sleeve to reveal a "P" branded into his tanned skin.

Norrington scornfully said, "Had a brush with the East India Trading company, did we ? Pirate ?"

Her eyes slightly widened as her suspicions were confirmed.

With a rather smug expression on his face and to the surprise of both the pirate and Elizabeth, her father said, "Hang him."

After ordering Lieutenant Gillette to fetch some irons, he raised the pirate's sleeve further up, exposing a tattoo of a sparrow flying across a setting sun.

With smirk on his face, Norrington said, "Well, well, Jack Sparrow, isn't it ?" and dropped his hand in disgust.

Ecstatic to finally meet the adventurous pirate she had read so much, she watched him closely.

Smiling at him, Jack said, "Captain, Jack Sparrow, if you please, sir", emphasizing the "captain".

Norrington said, "Well, I don't see your ship, captain."

Jack smirked, "I'm in the market, as it were."

One of the soldiers on his side said, "He said he'd come to commandeer one."

The one on the other side said, "Told you he's telling the truth."

Picking up Jack's things on the ground, he said, "These are his, sir."

As Jack agitatedly watched, Norrington lifted Jack's pistol and examined it," No additional shots nor powder."

Opening a rather peculiar compass, he said, "A compass that doesn't point north."

Pulling out Jack's sword, he said, "And I half expected it to be made out of wood."

Putting it back, he chuckled, "You are without doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

Nodding his head, Jack put up his index fingers and said in a gravely voice, "But you have heard of me."

Glaring at him, he grabbed Jack's hand and pulled him across the wooden floor.

Determined to save the witty pirate, Elizabeth threw her father's coat to the side and strode towards them, "Commodore, I really must protest !"

As Gillette was putting cuffs on Jack's hands, she stood in front of Norrington and spoke fiercely, "Pirate or not, this man saved my life !"

Looking incredulously at her, Norrington said, "One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness."

"Though it seems enough to condemn him", Jack interjected from behind Elizabeth.

Norrington sternly said, "Indeed."

As Gillette left to stand beside the commodore, a pair of cuffs were suddenly wrapped around her throat, pulling her towards Jack.

As she gasped in surprise, her father yelled, "No ! No ! Don't shoot !"

Jack said, "I knew you'd warm up to me. Commodore Norrington, my effects please ! And my hat !"

Seeing Norrington hesitate, Jack yelled, "Commodore !"

As Norrington reluctantly took his "effects", he whispered in her ear," Elizabeth, it is Elizabeth, isn't it ?"

Feeling his warm breath hitting her ear, her heart raced as she suppressed a shiver.

Intent on upholding her dignity and indignant that he is threatening her life after she spoke up for him, she took a breath to steady herself and angrily said, "It's Miss Swann."

As Norrington turned to face them carrying Jack's effects, Jack said, "Miss Swann, if you'd be so kind."

As Elizabeth hesitated, he said, "Come, come, dear, we don't have all day."

Just as Norrington placed his belongings in her hands, Jack took his pistol and, pointing it at her head, swiftly turned her around to face him," Now if you'd be very kind."

Realizing that he meant for her to strap on his things, she frowned and roughly shoved his hat on his head and strapped his sheath around him. She felt Norrington's heated glare as Jack smirked at him due to their close proximity, their bodies almost touching, which filled her with nervous excitement. 

As she was fastening his sheath in the front, he said, "Easy on the goods darling."

Disgusted at his actions, she said, "You're despicable."

Looking amused at her words, he explained, "Sticks and stones, love. I saved your life, you save mine, we're squared."

He then quickly turned her around to face Norrington and her father.

Walking backwards with her, he spoke, "Gentlemen, m'lady, you will always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow !"

Pushing her towards Norrington, who held her tightly, he grabbed a rope, kicked the launch and flew upwards.

As everyone stared in shock at Jack escaping, her father asked Norrington who was still holding her securely, "Now will you shoot him ?"

Brought back to the situation at hand by his words, Norrington yelled to his men, "Open fire !"

Obeying him, his men started shooting at Jack. He started to swing around while holding on to the rope for dear life, screaming, till his feet reached a beam on the main mast where he threw his cuffs around the rope there and swung himself down it, landing on the deck.

Pushing her towards her father, Norrington screamed, "On his heels !" and lead his soldiers to capture Jack Sparrow.

The last thing she saw before her father took her away was Jack running away. As she rode in a carriage with her father, she couldn't help but think about Captain Jack Sparrow, the pirate who saved her and captured her unwilling attention.

Hope you guys liked it ! This is my first time writing a fanfic, so constructive criticisms are most welcome ! Pls comment and vote !

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