Chapter 4

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Jack led Will and Olivia through the ankle-deep water to the stone bridge near the dock where the Interceptor was docked. They hid under the bridge in a line, one behind the other as they watched the soldiers carrying boxes of supplies to the Interceptor.

Realizing what they were about to do, Will stated in mild disbelief, "We are going to the steal the ship."

Seeing Jack looking at the Dauntless which was near the cliffs that were a short distance from them, he widened his eyes and asked, "That ship?"

Pointing at the Interceptor, Jack replied, "Commandeer. We are going to commandeer that ship. Nautical term."

Olivia internally giggled at how Jack replaced the word "steal" with "commandeer" to make it sound less like a crime.

Turning to look at Will, he scrutinized him and asked, "One question about your business, boy, or there's no use going. This girl, how far are you willing to go to save her?"

Will seriously said, "I'd die for her."

Olivia rather sternly interjected from behind Will, "I'd die for her too! She's my best friend!"

Glancing with amusement at Olivia before looking back at Will, Jack nonchalantly replied, "Oh, good. No worries, then."

After a group of soldiers walked pass them, they lifted a canoe with their backs and walked to the water where they simply held it over their heads, thankfully Olivia was just about tall enough to hold the canoe and walk on the sandy ocean floor. She was amazed by how the canoe prevented the water coming above their shoulders.

As if reading her thoughts, Will commented to Jack, "This is either madness or brilliance."

Without looking at Will, Jack replied, "It's remarkable how often those two traits tend to coincide. "

Just then Will accidently stepped into a lobster trap, making Olivia giggle as he walked with his leg stuck on to it. When they reached the Dauntless, Jack tied it to the rudder of the ship, making it unable to come after them when they "commandeer" the interceptor. Jack then started climbing up the back of the Dauntless, with Olivia and Will following him. As they reached the top, Olivia made the grave mistake of looking down and realized how high up she was. As she was about to lose her balance, Jack, who saw her about to fall, caught her arm and pulled her up, much to Will's surprise.

Olivia shakily thanked Jack as Will wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a light squeeze. They then took out their swords and followed Jack around the ship's wheel and down the steps as he spoke, "Everyone stay calm! We are taking over the ship."

The small group of sailors and a lieutenant who Olivia recognized as Gillette, turned as Will jumped over the railing of the stairs and walked beside Jack, pointing his sword at the men, shouting, "Aye! Avast!"

The sailors started laughing as the lieutenant smirked. As Jack turned his head and looked at Will, Olivia looked down and closed her eyes in embarrassment.

Gillette walked in front of Jack and spoke mockingly, "This ship cannot be crewed by two men and a girl. You'll never make it out of the bay."

His eyes widened in recognition as he glanced at Olivia. Just then Jack cocked his flint stock pistol and, pointing it at Gillette's face, said with a smirk, "Son, I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?"

After the men got into a long boat and were some distance away, Jack started giving them orders, "Will, go and start pulling that rope. Olivia, go and keep a lookout to see whether Norrington will follow us."

As Will pulled on the rope Jack pointed, Jack started wailing his arms as if telling him to pull harder. Seeing Norrington and his men coming on the Interceptor, Olivia quickly ran up the stairs just as Will also came, and said, "They are coming."

Peas in a pod (Sparrabeth/WillTurnerxOC) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now