Chapter 5

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Waking up in the morning, Olivia looked around and wondered where she was. As she realized that she was in a ship's cabin and saw the beautiful Caribbean Sea through the single window in the room, she remembered.

They arrived at Tortuga. Full of curiosity about what exactly Tortuga is used for, Olivia looked around, taking in everything. The air smelt of gunpowder and rum. Drunk men and women were everywhere. Men were shooting guns carelessly or getting into fights with others. Prostitutes were hanging on to men and giggling while staggering across the dusty road. One man was drinking from two bottles and the alcohol was pouring out of his mouth onto his already rum-soaked clothes as a whore sat on a wooden box behind him and poured her own drink onto him after taking a swig. Some people were falling off buildings onto the dirty road while some were leaning out of windows or sitting on ledges.

Olivia stayed close to Will, who wrapped his arm around her shoulder protectively as men lustfully stared at her.

Waving his hand around and grabbing a walking stick from a man hitting another with it, Jack said, "More importantly, it is indeed a sad life that has never breathed deep this sweet proliferous bouquet that is Tortuga, savvy?"

Looking incredulously at Jack, Olivia exclaimed, "No, I do not savvy! This place is crazy and dangerous!"

Then, averting her eyes, she muttered, to Will's astonishment, "But I do like the craziness a little. It makes me feel liberated from the prim and proper English society."

Grinning at her, Jack said, "Knew you'd like it."

Turning back to Will, he asked, "What do you think?"

Looking around, he saw the man drinking from two bottles of rum and said, "It'll linger."

Looking at Will, Jack said, "I'll tell you mate, if every town in the world were like this one, no man would ever feel unwanted."

Face palming at his comment, Olivia saw a rather angry brunette, wearing a pink and red dress, striding over to Jack.

Seeing her, he walked to her, and said, "Scarlet!"

She slapped him, snapping his face around.

Looking at the two, he said, "Not sure I deserved that."

As Jack turned back, he saw a blonde in a cream dress walking towards him with a poisonous smile.

Grinning at her, he said, "Giselle!"

With her hands on her hips, she asked, "Who was she?"

Confused, Jack asked, "What?"

She slapped him, spinning him around, and walked away.

Looking at the two, he sheepishly said, "I may have deserved that."

She grimaced and watched curiously as Jack threw a bucket of water at Mr. Gibbs, who was sleeping with pigs in a pool of mud.

He woke up with a start and sat up, pointing a knife and looking around with wide eyes.

He yelled, "Curse you for breathing, you slack-jawed idiot!"

Seeing Jack, who was smiling, he said, "Mother's love! Jack!"

Then, noticing Olivia, his eyes widened and he asked in disbelief, "Ms Thomas?!"

She grinned, "Long time no see, Mr Gibbs."

He then explained to Jack, "You should know better than to wake a man when he's sleeping. 'S bad luck."

Peas in a pod (Sparrabeth/WillTurnerxOC) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now