Chapter 10

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Commodore Norrington, Governor Swann, Elizabeth, Mr Thomas and Olivia stood under the stone archway, looking at Jack standing on the gallows, next to the executioner.

The government official standing on the raised stone platform announced, "Jack Sparrow, be it known that you have..."

Olivia noticed Jack muttering, "Captain, captain Jack Sparrow", and smiled to herself.

They listened to the official listing down his 'crimes'.

Elizabeth lamented, "This is wrong!"

Olivia added, "Those are not crimes to be hanged for! It's not like he murdered anyone or raped women!"

Governor Swann responded, "Commodore Norrington is bound by the law. As are we all."

Elizabeth glared at her father while Olivia spat, "Well, the law is bullshit then."

Mr Thomas lightly smiled at his daughter's comments, thinking that what she told was true while Norrington and the governor looked at her in surprise.

Elizabeth noticed how Jack smiled at some of his crimes mentioned and wondered how the man was able to find humor when he was about to be hanged.

Just then, Olivia spotted a familiar looking parrot landing on the flag pole and inaudibly gasped.

She nudged Elizabeth and pointed at it. Seeing Cotton's parrot, her eyes widened as she realized that Jack was going to be saved. The two girls then turned back to look at the gallows.

Wearing a dull red cape and a white feathered hat, Will walked up to them and nodded at the men, "Governor Swann, Commodore Norrington, Mr Thomas."

He then looked at Olivia's radiant smile and warmly smiled back at her before turning to Elizabeth.

Hesitating for a moment, he steadied himself and forced out the words he had to say, in order to not break Elizabeth's heart even though his feelings for her were rapidly diminishing, "Elizabeth. I should have told you every day from the moment I met you. I love you."

As the men turned their heads to Elizabeth to see her reaction of surprise, Olivia turned to her with a smirk, "He finally got the guts to say it."

Elizabeth forced a smile back but inside; she was deeply upset. She didn't have the strong feelings she had before for Will now. She was starting to love Jack. But she decided to just go with pretending to love Will as it would hurt him if he knew that she didn't love him anymore.

They then turned to watch Will pushing through the crowd yelling, "Move!", as the noose was put on Jack's neck.

Norrington stepped forward, "Marines."

Olivia and Elizabeth glanced at each other and nodded.

Olivia grabbed the sword hidden in her dress and snuck away to assist Will while Elizabeth distracted her father and Norrington.

Elizabeth gasped, "I can't breathe", and fell backwards on to the cool stone floor.

Her father and Norrington rushed to her as Olivia ran to Will.

As the crowd parted away at Will's insistence and the executioner pulled the lever, Olivia threw her sword on to the wood, creating a foothold for Jack.

Gasping, Elizabeth sat up as the drum roll stopped, spotting Olivia saving Jack by throwing her sword.

She looked at her father and Norrington who looked incredulously at her as understanding dawned on them.

Throwing his extra sword to her to fend off the incoming soldiers, Will took his sword and ran up the stairs to the gallows where he fought with the executioner who hit his sword with the axe, dropping the sword onto the wooden floor of the gallows.

Peas in a pod (Sparrabeth/WillTurnerxOC) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now