Chapter 2

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Walking through Port Royal, Olivia Thomas and Will Turner saw the newly appointed commodore Norrington and his men rushing everywhere looking for someone.

Stopping a soldier passing by them, Olivia asked, "Excuse me, but who are they searching for?"

The man replied, "A pirate by the name of Jack Sparrow threatened Miss Elizabeth Swann and escaped. Commodore Norrington ordered us to find and arrest him as soon as we see him."

While Will could not speak from shock and anger, Olivia quickly composed herself and said, "Thank you for informing us. Now go and find the pirate who threatened her."

"Yes, Miss Thomas!", he saluted her and rushed off to continue his search.

Will clenched his fists and furiously muttered, "If I see that pirate, I'll kill him for threatening my lo – my friend, Miss Swann!"

"I know you like Elizabeth, so, why don't you tell her about your feelings for her? I'm pretty sure that she also feels the same for you", Olivia, ever the caring best friend of both Will and Elizabeth, said.

Sighing in frustration, he sadly said, "But she's the governor's daughter. Even if she loves me back, which I'm sure she doesn't, her father won't let her marry a poor blacksmith like me."

Putting a hand on his shoulder, she smiled and said, "Do you really think that she would listen to her father? Elizabeth loves you and I'm certain that she will marry you whether her father likes it or not."

Doubtfully looking at her, he said, "We'll see. Anyway, I should be getting back to work."

Wanting to spend more time with the man she secretly loves, she said, "I'll accompany you to the blacksmith's."

Will asked, "Are you sure?"

Smiling softly at him, she said, "Yes, of course."

The rest of the walk towards his workshop passed in a comfortable silence.

As they arrived at the blacksmith's, Olivia got a distinct feeling that something was off.

Her suspicions were confirmed when they went inside and saw the wooden sword making machine moving and the blacksmith's donkey in a panic. Will quickly ran to the donkey and calmed it down.

As he removed his coat, Olivia whispered to him, "Someone was here, or, is still here."

Nodding at her, he checked on his master who was sleeping, "Right where I left you."

Looking at his odd sleeping pose, Olivia giggled, making Will smile.

Seeing a hammer out of place, he frowned and went towards it.

Olivia apprehensively asked, "Not where you left it?"

Attention captured by the brown leather tricorne hat on a table beside it, he absent-mindedly nodded.

Just as he was about to touch it, a sword smacked his knuckles as a man with dreadlocks stepped out of the shadows.

Gasping in surprise, Olivia said, "You're that pirate! The one they are hunting!"

As Will pulled Olivia behind him and stepped backwards, the pirate pointed his sword at Will's throat and stepped forward.

Furrowing his eyebrows, the pirate asked Will, "You seem somewhat familiar. Have I threatened you before?"

Glaring at him, Will replied in a dangerously low voice, "I make a point of avoiding familiarity with pirates."

Lowering his sword and turning to get his hat, the pirate said, "Ah! Well then it would be a shame to put a black mark on your record. So, if you'll excuse me."

Peas in a pod (Sparrabeth/WillTurnerxOC) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now