Chapter 4 : Company Lunch

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Lisa POV
I'm with my food and I notice someone I know sitting on a table alone . So I decide to go up to them .
Lisa : Is this seat taken ?
Y/N : Ow hi , no it's free. You can sit down if you want.
Lisa : Sure, so guess I should say thank you for hiring me.
Y/N : Ah ya, your welcome . I thought you fit the job.
Lisa : Well I saw you were sitting alone , so I thought I'd come .
Y/N : Ow thanks.
Lisa : Why are you sitting alone ?
Y/N : Well I'm a new hire too , so I don't know many people here.
Lisa : Ow really !
Y/N : Yup.
Lisa : Cool.
How can someone look so cute without even trying. Wait a minute what am I saying. Gosh get that out of your mind Lisa.

Y/N : So your name is Lalisa right ?
Lisa : Ya , but most people can me , Lisa.
Y/N : So I can call you Lisa , right ?
Lisa : Ya , sure . Your Y/N , right ?
Y/N : Ya
Lisa : You don't have any nicknames ?
Y/N : I have 2 but both are hard to explain.
Lisa : Cool. I mean we all have weird or hard to explain nicknames
We both giggle a little.
Y/N : Ya , I guess.
Y/N : Well , how's working  here ?
Lisa : It's pleasant.
Y/N : Cool
Lisa : Can I ask a question
Y/N : Sure
Lisa : How old are you , because you seem to be the same age as me , I don't mean to offend you.
Y/N : Ow I'm 26 , you ?
Lisa : Same.
I'm done eating at this point of time . When someone taps my shoulder. I turn around to see who it is and to my surprise and excitement , it's Ava.
Ava : Missed me !
Y/N : Yup .
Ava : Well , I'm getting you out of this lunch !
Y/N : Wait what why.
Ava : Because , and we're going to something more fun and I asked my mom , your boss, she's fine with it.
Y/N : Ok I'm coming
I turn to Lisa.
Y/N : I'm going to get going now , so bye .
Lisa : Ok bye.
I get up and leave.

Lisa POV
Who is that girl ? I think she is the Ceo's daughter because Y/N's boss is the Ceo.
Well how can she just take Y/N like that. Ugh , why .

We're in Ava's car ready to go all over London.
Ava : So we are going to go for a tour of Buckingham Palace , then we're going to Big Ben and tomorrow we're going to the British Museum and a food tour conducted by me .
She flips her hair.
Y/N : Don't you have college work ?
Ava : It's summer break.
Y/N : Well cool.
Ava : Also I bought you some sneakers for walking around.
Y/N : Thanks.
I changed into the shoes. They were comfy.
We reach Buckingham Palace.
Ava : Here we are! What do you think ?
Y/N : It's beautiful , have you been here .
Ava : Nope , even if I'm born here I've never been here.
Y/N : From me having to have to learn human history this is where the monarch of Great Britain lives , right ?
Ava : Yup where Queen Elizabeth ii lives.
Y/N : Cool , I didn't think it would be this beautiful.
Ava : Well let's go inside for the tour.
Y/N : Yup.
We walk in with the tour inside.
After the tour , in the car.
Ava : How was that ?
Y/N : It was nice and informative.
Ava : You know sometimes I forgot you're not human because you really act like us.
Y/N : Well other than not using magic and not flying , I'm acting how I normally act.
Ava : Well maybe humans and fairies are not so different , what do you think about our world.
Y/N : It's cool down here , I mean it's slightly different than my normal.
Ava : How is it different in the fairy world?
Y/N : I mean like how you get to work , most people here go by car.
Ava :  How do you get there up there ?
Y/N : Well if your office is close then you'll just teleport to the teleport pad in the building if it's far most people tend to go by public transport and some by car.
Ava : But what if someone who's not supposed to be there teleports into the building.
Y/N : Well you teleport in the area then you use your Id cards or whatever to enter the building . Also you can't teleport anywhere else in the building from the outside. This is because of a spell and some buildings just don't let you teleport inside.
Ava : Cool .
We reach Big Ben and we take some pictures. Then Ava drops  me home.

Lisa POV
I'm at home when my phone starts to ring. It's my boss (from the fairy world) (A/N Note: their phones are special so they can talk to people in the fairy world , the phones are just disguised to look like phones from phone companies in the human world) . I pick it up. My boss tells me something that leaves me shocked but at the same time happy . Gosh this is just something, how could they forget to tell me that .

A/N Note : Hello again , hope you liked this chapter . What do you think Lisa's boss told her. What did you think will happen now ? Well see you next update biii !

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