Chapter 9 : Hangout

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Lisa : Why weren't you here ?
A... what do I say .
Y/N : I had a family thing .
Lisa : Ow ok , i don't mean to be intrusive but what family thing . You don't need answer .
Y/N : Well it was just a simple hangout.
Lisa : Ow cool.
Y/N : Don't you have those with your family ?
Lisa : Ya ! They're a lot of fun.
Y/N : Ya same.
Lisa : So do you want to hang out after work , cause you're like the only person i know from work .
Y/N : Ya sure ! But what will we do ?
Lisa : What do you want to do ?
Y/N : I asked first .
Lisa : Well I'm asking you .
Y/N : But I asked first .
Lisa : And I-
The bell starts to ring, signifying the end of lunch break .
Y/N : Well I better get going, call me if you think of something .
Lisa : Hey !
I leave before she can say anything .

Lisa POV
Guess she won this time . Ugh , I'll get you next time . I swear. Well now I have to think of something.

Hehe . Well I have work to do now , I wonder when she'll call .
I was about to start to work when someone barged into the room .
Ava : Hello !!
Y/N : Ava you're at an office , lower your volume .
Ava : Ow ok sorry .
Y/N : It's ok . So what brings you here ?
Ava : Well I called you yesterday but you didn't pick up your phone . I wanted to invite you for snacks at my place .
Y/N : I was busy . You know what I mean by that .
Ava : Ah.. did you catch the person ?
Y/N : There's one more so that's why I'm still here .
Ava : Cool , well do you want to hangout tomorrow at either of our places ? For fun like watch movies , I also kinda wanna know more about your world .
Y/N : Ya sure I was pretty sure at some point you'd ask .
Ava : Hehe .. well take these cookies as a congratulations for catching one .
Y/N : Ow thanks, why did you actually get me cookies?
Ava : Well at the place I went to the day before yesterday they gave everyone a box of cookies . Since I can't finish so many cookies myself before they go bad . I thought it'd be a good idea to give some to you because you said you like baked goods.
Y/N : Well thanks , you didn't have to .
Ava : It's fine .
Suddenly Sarah ( Y/N's boss : the Ceo and Ava's Mom ) enters the room.
Sarah : Ava let Y/N work, you can talk after work and Y/N get back to work .
Y/N : Yes ma'am
Ava : Yes mom.
Sarah leaves .
Ava : I'm going bye see you later.
Y/N : Bye see you later .

Lisa POV
At Lisa's desk
Who was that girl that just walked into Y/N's office. Like she didn't even knock. I think she was the same girl who took Y/N away from me that day . That means she's the Ceo's daughter ,right ? Are they dating or something ? I don't know but I'll ask her today when we meet . Ow , that reminds me I need to think of where to go today . Well maybe I'll look up a place or wait , we could hangout at my place , ya and I'll order something . But we need something to do . Um, watch movies or play games . Like I barely know her. Well I guess I can text her for snacks at my place . Ya , that's a good idea .
I turn on my phone and text her .
Lisa : So do you want to come for snacks at my place ? At 5pm. Is that ok ?
Y/N : Sure that's fine , but I don't know your address .
Lisa : Tell me yours . I can pick you up .
Y/N : Sure thanks , also I'll have to leave at 6:30 because I have some work .
Aww , only an hour and a half . Well fine .
Lisa : Ya sure that's fine .
Y/N : Ok , here's my address ( some address that A/N doesn't feel like making up )
Lisa : Ok I'll pick you up at 4:50
Y/N : Sure , see you then . Bye !
Lisa : Bye !
I was kinda sad she couldn't stay for more time . But I also have my other work to do, so I guess it's a good thing .

A few hours later
I changed into an outfit that does not look like pajamas because Lisa is coming to pick me up.
My outfit :

I hear the doorbell ring

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I hear the doorbell ring . Here she is . Gosh why am I so nervous . Calm down Y/N , you're just meeting a co-worker .
The doorbell rings again.
Shit , I should go get the door instead of worrying so much .
I open the door .
Y/N: Hi , a.. sorry for taking so long to open the door.
Lisa : It's ok . Well you ready .
Y/N : Yup .
Lisa : Well , let's go !
Y/N : Ya !
In the car.
Lisa : So what did you do before coming to work here?
Y/N : Well I graduated college a little over a year ago and after that I interned at a place . You?
Lisa : Even I graduated college a year ago . But I worked at a company but that company went bankrupt so I had to look for work again.
Y/N : Ow ok.
Lisa : So quick question , how do you know the Ceo's daughter ? I don't mean to be intrusive .
Y/N : It's ok . Their family are family friends .
Lisa : Ow Cool.
Y/N : Well where are you from ?
Lisa : Me , I'm born here . You ?
The sky or from another world.
Y/N : Same .
Lisa : Do you ever wonder about the world above us?
Y/N : Huh what do you mean ?
Lisa : Well Like where birds and planes fly . Or like what's beyond this planet.
I know what's beyond this world , but I can't tell you .
Y/N : No not really .
Lisa : Ow ok.
Y/N : Cool ring you have there .
Lisa : Ow thanks , you too .
Y/N : Thanks .
Lisa : Are you and the Ceo's daughter dating ?
Y/N : No why ?
Lisa : No reason, just asking.
Lisa : We're here !
Y/N : Your building looks nice .
Lisa : Thanks .
We reach her flat .
Y/N : Your apartment is so neat !
Lisa : Gee thanks , yours was too.
Y/N : Thanks .
Lisa : So what do you want to play and order ?
Y/N : Can we order pizza with garlic bread?
Lisa : Sure.
Y/N : We can split the price .
Lisa : No need , I can pay the full price .
Y/N : No we can split .
Lisa : You're at my place , I'll pay.
Y/N : But -
Lisa : I already played.
Y/N : Hey .
Lisa : Well what do you want to play?
Y/N : Which board games do you have ?
Lisa : I have Monopoly , Connect 4 and cards.
Y/N : How about Monopoly?
Lisa : Sure let me go get it .
After that we played monopoly and some other games . Then we ate .
Y/N : I have to go now , I'll go by bus .
Lisa : No, I can drop you off.
Y/N : You don't have to .
Lisa : No I really don't mind , come on let's go !
Y/N : A.. ok thanks .
Lisa : No problem .
We leave and I reach home .
She was so nice and cute .

Lisa POV
It's been a few hours since I've been researching to find the partner and I think I might be close to finding them . Hehe ...

A/N Note : Hi again , I hope you've liked this chapter . It's a little more chill as compared to the late few . So I hope you liked it . Please rember to vote and comment or whatever else . Thank you for reading .See you next week , bye !

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