Chapter 1 : thats me

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I can't wake up . Trapped in my mind , I'm afraid this will be an eternal sleep . Focusing on the door in front of my closed eyes I try to walk but I'm paralysed . Waking up is not my choice I'm not alive but not dead ... I wake up . I open my eyes to my once white walled bedroom , now covered in band posters so the wall is almost completely covered.

It's Sunday morning so I'm aloud to sleep in but today I don't feel like it so I put on my purple dressing gown and walked downstairs . Everything around me is blurry which is strange because I usually have perfect vision . I blink my eyes and my sight it normal again so I walk into the kitchen a pour my favourite cereal into a bowl then make tea . Somewhere in the mix my brother Oli walks down stairs . Me and my brother aren't like normal siblings , we actually get along quite well . We both love music and he's even in a band ! Him and his band plan to travel the world touring as soon as they can get a good record deal , I think they will make it because their music is amazing! They are called bring me the horizon .

"Hey Cass" Oli says walking into the kitchen .

" Hey Oli " I answer

Notice How Oli said Cass ? That's me ... Well I'm Cassandra but I prefer Cass . I'm 15 and if you wondered what I look like I have fair skin , green eyes and dark brown hair . What else ? Looks aren't important, you can decide what I look like in your mind . I like music too , I mean I really like music ! I play guitar and drums and enjoy singing to . I'd like to follow in my brothers foot steps and be in a band as well . He's 17 and already a legend , music is a big part in our lives .

"When is mum coming home?" I ask Oli

" I think she said she'll finish work around 5 " he answers " she told me to tell you to do your homework " .

" ew school " I say without hesitation " I can't believe the weekends almost over . It always goes to quickly " .

" yeah that's true , but at least you get to see your friends " Oli explains .

When I finish my cereal I clean up then go back to my room . I open my laptop and scroll through tumblr . I know I know , it's kind of basic but fun too . Afterwords I read some comics and then call Alex, my best friend of 3 years . I've known her since year 7 and she basically knows more about me then I do . I'm lucky to have her , I see a lot of girls and guys at school with no friends .

" hey ! " Alex says " I haven't seen you since Friday "

" I know ! It's crazy " I answer " can't believe we have school tomorrow. You better be there otherwise I'm skipping . "

" don't worry Cass , I will "

The next hour of our conversation was just us saying how much we don't want to go to school . Soon enough it was time for sleep .

HEY !!!
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter . I know there wasn't much on Oli but I'm getting to that I just wanted the first chapter to be about Cass since she is the narrator of the fanfic .
A few things that need to be said :
* this is completely fiction ! It's not at all based on Oli's teen life so all massive BMTH or Oli fans don't attack me if I get anything wrong .
* I am not at all trying to be offensive! Reading through it myself I don't see anything that could be offensive but if there is I don't mean it . BMTH is one of my all time favourite bands so I would never criticise them .
* finally I'm Australian so keep in mind if you are from another country some things may not make complete sense 😂
Chapter two should be out very shortly !

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