Chapter 1

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Willow's POV

Have you ever wanted to get away from everything? To pack a bag, hop in your car and just drive with no destination in mind and no intention of returning?That's what I did a year and a half ago. My divorce from Derek had just been finalized, it was an amicable process. He kept his trust fund, I kept mine. He got the house, I didn't want it anyway, I got to keep my new silver Land Rover. What I really wanted after everything we had been through was a fresh start. What caused us to split you may ask? The short answer, grief and how people handle it differently. I pulled into myself and shut everyone out including him. Derek wanted to be surrounded by people to reassure him that he would be okay. My best friend at the time filled in a lot for me with taking care of my house and eventually my husband as well.

I rolled out of Houston,TX early one morning in May without a backward glance, there was nothing left for me there. I drove until I was tired then I slept. I ate when I was hungry then I drove some more. I followed my heart, well what was left of it, I let it guide me where to go. I spent time on the west coast and then the east coast. Now I'm doing a bit a tour of the midwest moving towards the mountains. The closer I got to those snow covered peaks the clearer my mind became, my grief lessened and my shoulders feel just a little bit lighter.

That's how I ended up here, driving up this winding road in the middle of the Colorado Rockies. I don't know what's up here or if there is anything at all, what I do know is I feel a pull like a magnet in my heart drawing me forward. As the sun starts to set bathing the sky in brilliant shades of red and orange giving the impression that the clouds are on fire.That's when I see what looks like a small town in the distance.

As I get closer I notice a sign in the shape of a full moon being held up by howling wolves it reads "Snow Moon Village". It was nestled in a valley surrounded by towering mountain peaks that were covered in trees and snow that hadn't reached the valley yet. It appears to have only one access road and I was driving on it. The village is small but has everything I need for now a gas station, grocery store, a small motel, but most importantly a pub called "The Den".

I drive to the motel named "The Doghouse" it has a flashing vacancy sign, not surprising seen as how the parking lot was completely empty. I walk into the office that looks like the last time it was updated was in the 1990's judging by the forest green and burgundy décor that is faded and worn, the paper border at the top of the walls, a looping picture of grape vines, is peeling at the edges. At least it is clean. Besides I have stayed in much more questionable establishments. With the size of my trust fund I could stay at 5 star resorts for the rest of my life without making a dent in it, but that isn't what I'm looking for. I actually don't know what I am looking for I just have a feeling that I'm getting close. I ring the bell and an older woman ambles out from the backroom. She looks to be in her 70's although she moves with confidence all be it a little slow, she has short curly gray hair and is taller than average I would guess around 5' 10".

"Good evening deary. What can I help you with?" She asks with a toothy smile that radiates warmth.

"I need a room please."

"You're in luck I happen to have a few of those available" She winks as she turns to her aged computer. "Ok, what's your name dear?"

"Willow Jeffers"After the divorce I changed back to my maiden name.

"How long will you be needing the room?" She asked while typing in my name.

"How long can I stay?"I always ask this question because I never know how long I am going to be in any one place. Sometimes it's just a night sometimes it's a couple of weeks.

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