Chapter 23

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Willow's POV

It has been 2 weeks since the rogue attack. Dom is still watching me like a hawk. It doesn't matter how many times I assure him that I am fine he is still hovering and it is getting quite irritating. That is how I found myself hiding in the bathroom on the main floor just looking for a few minutes peace away from his penetrating gaze. It's like he is scared that at any moment I'm going to drop dead. The worst part of all this is that he hasn't touched me, I mean really touched me, since the attack. We went from surface of the sun hot and heavy to deep space cold. Anytime I try to touch him, kiss him deeper than a peck, or in anyway try to be more than first base intimate he shuts me down and says"You need to rest". No, what I need is a God damn orgasm, many many orgasms to be honest! I'm so frustrated!

I brace my hands on the edge of the sink and stare at my reflection trying to figure out what I want more. Do I want him to back off and stop hovering over me, or do I want him to hover over me but sans clothes as he slowly fills my void with his

Knocking at the door rips me out of my spiraling thoughts. "Willow why are you hiding in the bathroom?" Lia's voice breaks me out of my pity party.

I crack open the door just enough so that I can see her giving me a weird look "Is Dom anywhere near you?"

"Uh, no. He left a minute ago for the pack house. Is everything okay?" the look on her face is full of concern.

"Everything is fine, no, wait. Everything is not fine but I have no idea how to fix it." I growl in frustration as I fully open the door.

"Sounds like you need to get out of here and have a serious vent session." She replies as she grabs my hand and start marching towards the front door. Just before we get there we hear Lani from the front room.

"Hey where are you guys going? Can I come too? Jenna is resting and the guys are gone and I am dying of boredom! Please?" She is now rushing over to us with her hands clasped in front of her like she is about to pray.

Lia looked to me, I shrug "Sure come on Lani but just a heads up this is a vent session that I desperately need."

Her squeal was immediate and ear piercing. "Oh I am so excited! I don't know about you guys but I am so tired of being cooped up."

We all run out the front door quickly traipsing through the snow that had accumulated over the last week and squeeze into Lia's truck just as we were about to leave I hear Dom's voice in my head. "How are you feeling sweetheart?"

I can't hold in the heavy sigh that slips past my lips. "I'm fine, just heading out for some girl time with Lia and Lani."

"Are you sure that is a good idea. Shouldn't you be resting?" I hear the concern in his voice where a couple weeks ago it made me feel loved and cared for now it just pisses me off. He wouldn't be like this is I were a wolf like everyone else around here. Even the Dr had given me a clear bill of health but Dom thinks he knows better.

I find it a lot harder to keep my emotions in check when I use the mind link so I can't hold back the irritation from seeping into my voice. "If I rest any more I would be in a coma and hooked up to tubes in the hospital."

"I just worry about you. Why are you acting like that's a bad thing?"

"When ALL you do is worry about me it is a bad thing. You weren't like this two and a half weeks ago."

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