Chapter 10

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Willow's POV

"Well one of the first signs to notice is when you get near them there is a smell that you are instantly attracted to. It is unique not only to the person emitting the scent but to the one smelling it." He took a deep breath and so do I as I am hit with that same fragrance as the first time I met him but this time it is stronger and has a distinct calming affect on my anxiety while at the same time exciting my libido. "Another indication is when you look into each other's eyes you feel a connection." He says leaning forward slightly maintaining eye contact with me. "Also when you touch especially skin to skin you feel the attraction of your body's base electrical current to that of your mate's. It has been described as tingles, sparkles, even as a slight shock." He reached forward and slowly ran his finger from the back of my hand up to my elbow and back down leaving a trail of sensations exactly like he had just described.

I shivered not just from what I just felt physically but based on what he just told me we're mates. But how is that even possible with me being a human. "What happens when you find your mate?"

"Typically the mated pair recognize each other they formally accept the other by repeating the mate oath. Then they mark the other as a way to claim them, finally they complete the mating ritual. To put it in familiar terms for you. The mate oath is like the wedding vows but much simpler, the mark is like the wedding rings but permanent, and the mating ritual is like consummating the marriage."

"How long does this whole process take? It almost feels like you skip the whole 'getting to know each other' part." I have some mixed feelings. What if your mate is a total asshole, an abusive jerk, or someone who just doesn't have the patience to let you deal with grief in your own way and goes and sleeps with your best friend as you lay emotionally shattered in the other room?

"Depends on the mated pair. Some people do the whole ritual on the first day that they meet and trust the Goddess to have given them their perfect match. Others will accept the bond right away but get to know each other before marking and mating. The key is communication with your mate. To express your desires, your concerns, your hopes and your fears and trust that it will all work out the way it is supposed to."He is now holding my hands and the tingles are intensifying.

"What happens if it doesn't work out?" I can't help but think of my past, of Derek. Damn I haven't thought of his name in a year but instead of pain or sorrow I feel nothing when I think of him.

"It's rare that things don't work out in a mated pair especially between true mates for the simple fact that true mates can sense the other's emotions, they share happiness, they share fear, they share pain, and they share pleasure. But the biggest reason why those bonds rarely fail is because when you meet the other all of a sudden their happiness becomes your number one priority. You feel drawn to them, just being with them brings peace to your heart and soul. You could be having the worst day of your life and when your mate wraps their arms around you and you inhale their scent it is like a soothing balm to your entire system and you feel like you can conquer anything, can overcome any obstacle as long as they are by your side."

"Sounds like a fairy tale to be honest. A perfect person created just for you that makes you feel strong and whole. What happens if a mate dies?"I know this will be difficult for him to answer. Based on what Lia told me about his late wife she was his true mate and even though I feel this connection to him doesn't mean he feels it in return. He already had his perfect match, so where did that leave me?

He took a deep breath, "When one of a mated pair dies the surviving half has a really difficult time. Sometimes they literally go crazy with grief, they lose their humanity and go rogue. Some become so bitter that they inflict pain on those around them unfortunately when this happens it is often the pups that are hurt because they remind the wolf of the mate that was lost. For the lucky ones that have a really good support system their grief is shared and the surviving mate continues living. A lot of times it can feel like a half life like something is always missing but they can reconnect with those around them and eventually they can feel happiness and peace again."

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