Chapter 22

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Dom's POV

The meetings had dragged on with so many side conversations like this was a social gathering and not a tactical planning meeting. Many times Ryder had to call the visiting alphas to order and bring them back to the topic at hand. Everyone thought that the rogues, although irritating, posed no real threat and would slink back to whatever hole they crawled out of in due time without any significant action on our part.

Ryder had just called the alphas back to order for the 4th time since we gathered after lunch. It's late, I was hoping that this would wrap up before dinner. I look out and see that the sun is setting and I can't help but hope that Willow makes it home before it gets dark. I shake my head and refocus on the reports in front of me.

"Alpha Ryder. I know you're trying to prove that you're a strong leader but I think you are making more of these rogues than is warranted." Alpha Greggor of the Crescent pack stated with a tone of voice that was almost condescending.

I interrupted him before he insulted my son and started a rift between the packs by the older alpha pricking the pride of a younger one. "I've been going over the reports and unlike times past these attacks feel far more organized. They seem to be probing the defenses of the individual packs and there is a definite pattern to their behavior as they work their way closer to this pack. Please review the reports in chronological order as they have been placed before you and tell me if I'm wrong."

The room went instantly silent except for the sound of shuffling paper. Ryder glanced and me and gave me an appreciative nod. Just when the discussion was about to start up again but this time with more weight given to the rogue issue Graden stood straight up closely followed by Jasper. Everyone's eyes went to them.

"SHIT!" Jasper yelled as he starts running for the door "The girls are under attack"

I could feel the blood drain from my face and as I stood up I heard Willow's terrified scream in my head. It was so loud I gasped.

"Willow, baby whats going on?" I desperately try to link her but I'm hitting a wall.

We run out onto the back porch and all 3 of us shift mid air as we jump off the back running towards the lake.

G: Lani said there were 6 rogues charging from the tree line that she and Lia would be fighting before she cut the link.

J: Jenna made it to the car and is shut inside. She is giving me a play by play. Lia has taken out 2 of the 3 that were attacking her. Lani took out one but got a nasty scratch down her left flank.

D: Where is Willow, is she in the car with Jenna?

I let Tavan take over so that I could focus on trying to break through Willow's block to make sure she's okay.

J: Jenna said Willow grabbed something out of her purse then shut the door and is joining the fight.

D: FUCK!!! What is she thinking? She isn't trained for this!

J: Willow is throwing rocks and hurt one of the wolves flanking Lani enough that she was able to attack from behind and take him out. Now it is one on one for both Lani and Lia.

G: Willow just saved Lani life

J: Lia finished off her final attacker but she took a bite to one of her hind legs and is limping bad but she is heading over to help Lani. FUCK! More rogues. One is trying to break through the windshield. There's an Alpha Rogue!

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