Chapter 6

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Willow's POV

This is his home?!? It is a 4 story mansion made of large stones and logs. It looks right out of a story book with its central area and wings that go off on either side. As the car stopped out front and Dom rushed around to open my door the front door of the house opened up and there stood Jasper with a beautiful woman next to him. She had bright red hair that was pulled into a high ponytail that the wind was whipping around her heart shaped face.  She was tall and lean and I couldn't help but notice the baby bump and my heart clenched a little bit.

Dom extended his hand to me to help me out of the car but this time after he shut the door instead of letting go he intertwined his fingers with mine as we made our way up the front steps.

"Willow, you remember Jasper. And this glowing beauty is his wife Jenna."Dom says in the way of introductions.

I shake their hands and say "Nice to see you again Jasper and nice to meet you Jenna." I can't help but notice how even when I was shaking Jasper's hand he only had eyes for his wife. I could absolutely feel the love and devotion that connected them together. Theirs was a bond that nothing could break not death, not heart ache, not grief, not depression, nothing. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a tiny bit jealous.

"Well lets get inside where it's warm and comfortable." Jenna says as she grabs my hand and drags me in leaving the boys to follow.

If I thought the outside was impressive that was nothing compared to the inside. On the right side of the entrance hall are double doors leading to a large 2 story living room. It was divided into areas from watching tv at one end to smaller sitting areas at the other. The walls had bookshelves that were separated by photos and artwork but central on the opposite wall was a giant fireplace that looked big enough to roast a whole hog in that had a cozy sitting area in front of it.

There are sweeping stairs at the far end of the entrance hall that lead to the upper stories. On the left wall were more doors that stood open. The one closest was a private formal sitting room that looked straight out of the 1800's. In the next door I caught a glimpse of what looked like a formal dining room.

I must have been standing there in awe for quite a while because I hear Dom clear his throat next to me and I notice that everyone is watching me. I feel that silly blush staining my cheeks again. Seriously what is it about this guy that has me blushing like a school girl?!?

"Would you like to go in and sit down?" Dom asks but before I can answer we hear running footsteps  upstairs before I see this pixie of a woman who is about the same height as me running so fast she looks like she is flying as she comes down the stairs towards us. Her long blond hair trailing behind her and her blue eyes flashing with excitement.

"Oh my gosh! You must be Willow! I'm so glad you are here! When Gray told me about you I was so excited to meet you and here you are in our home. Do you want something to drink? or I can make you some food. If you want I can give you a tour of the house. Isn't it awesome! We all just barely moved in here, well we have been slowing moving in but it wasn't official until yesterday so there are still some rooms that have boxes and such but it's not that big of a deal. We can" Her extremely fast chatter, that I only caught a portion of, was abruptly cut off by Graden kissing her. I didn't even notice he had joined our little party until that moment.

"That is the only way to shut her up once she gets going." Dom says while laughing. "This ball of energy is  Graden's wife Miliani"

She broke away from his kiss and turned back to me "Just call me Lani. Sorry for getting carried away I'm just so excited to meet you."

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