Chapter 9

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Dom's POV

My mind starts waking up before my body. Thinking back on the night before how Willow scared the crap out of me by throwing open her door. My instincts kicked in before my brain because by the time I recognized my surroundings I had her pinned to the ground and was growling at her. She look terrified but she didn't scream. I wanted to tell her how sorry I was, that I didn't mean to scare her but if I shifted back to being human that would have made the situation so much worse than it already was. So I had to try to say it as my wolf. She seemed to understand. In fact I couldn't believe how chill she was with everything. I now know that the Moon Goddess sent her that dream as a way to prepare her for the truth because she recognized Tavan and in fact "named" me that. Tav got a huge kick out of it. However I never thought when I laid down in front of her door last night that I would wake up with her in my arms.


Oh shit, I'm human again and completely naked on top of the covers, limbs totally tangled up with hers and she could wake up at any moment.

Willow's POV

Last thing I remember was falling asleep wrapped in a warm furry blanket listening to the deep rumbles of Tavan's breathing. Instead of feeling fur I am feeling tingles, lots and lots of tingles like electric currents are running through my veins and over my skin. It's not painful in fact it is quite enjoyable. I crack open one eye expecting to see furry limbs still wrapped around me but instead I see an arm and a very naked leg. I do what any self respecting woman would do in this situation. I scream my freaking head off while throwing the offending limbs off of me and scrambling off the bed. I hit the floor hard and look to my right where I see the baseball bat that I had dropped the night before. I pick it up and jump to my feet turning to the intruder holding the bat in front of me like it's a sword. I don't know who I was expecting to see standing naked on the other side of my bed but I guaran-damn-tee you that I wasn't expecting Dominic!

Dom's POV

I feel her start to stir and then she tenses up. FUCK this isn't going to end well. I don't know what happened first all I know is that my ears are ringing from her shrieking, she fell off the bed and now as I am standing up on the opposite side from her, she is holding a baseball bat.

"Willow, I can explain. Please just give me a minute." I am holding my hands up like she is pointing a gun at me and not a bat.

"Explain what exactly? How you got into my room? Why are you naked? Why were you in bed with me? How are you going to explain any of that?" I can hear her disbelief, I can feel her anger.

"Last night you fell asleep cuddled up with Tavan, right?" It's now or never either she accepts us or she doesn't.

"How do you know that? What did you do to him? I swear if you hurt Tavan I will gut you." She is practically seething at this point

"See Mate loves me." Tav can't help but put in his two cents.

"You are supposed to stay quiet."

"That was for 'the rest of the night' well as you can see it's daytime so I can talk again. Be nice or Mate will hurt you" I swear that mutt was laughing at me.

"I didn't do anything to him, I can't because he is a part of me." I don't know what I am saying. I am just speaking from the heart and praying the Goddess will help me out here.

"What do you mean he is a part of you? Don't even try to tell me you're a werewolf. That is such Bull Shit! Where is he?" Her skepticism is understandable.

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