Chapter 3

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Dom's POV

I sat at my desk contemplating the next phase of my life. My son Ryder is now 18, he graduated high-school last spring and found his mate, Elaine, daughter of the Alpha from our neighboring pack The Timber Wolves. Now that their mating ceremony is complete it is time for me to retire from the role of Alpha and pass that honor onto my son. My one regret is that Lili wasn't here to see this day.

Oh Lili. The thought of her used to reduce me to either a puddle of grief or a raging monster, now I feel more alone than anything else.When my rage was overwhelming I would release it with a run. I would let my wolf Tavan take over and we would run through the mountains and forests sometimes all night long. Most werewolves go crazy after they lose their mate, I almost did. The only reason I didn't was my Beta Jasper and Gamma Graden kept me in check by reminding me that Ryder needed his father to teach him how to be the best Alpha.Strong, Loyal, dedicated to the safety of the pack. My sister Lia was my rock. I can't tell you how many times I mind-linked her in the middle of the night to help talk me down when I felt like I was losing control. I cried buckets on her shoulder, she listened to me scream in rage until my throat was raw and never once did she make me feel like less of a man, less of a wolf, or less of an Alpha for it.

It's been 5 years since Lili's car was hit by a drunk driver on the wayback from a shopping trip in town. I was supposed to go with her but some urgent pack business had come up, I can't even remember now what was so important. I tried to convince her to wait until I could go with her but she assured me that with her warrior guards anyone would be a fool to go after her. I can still see her laughing blue eyes as he reached up and pulled me down for a kiss "Silly Alpha worries too much. I will be back before you can miss me. I love you," I watch as she climbs into the SUV and heads out of my territory and into the human city. Stupid human didn't know when to call a cab! I would have killed him if he hadn't died in the crash as well.

I shake my head out of the memory and get back to my current dilemma. My plan is once the title is passed to Ryder I will take an extended vacation. Jasper and Graden have offered to come with me but they both have mates and pups to look after. I will pick a couple of unmated warriors to accompany me and we will be traveling the world in hopes that I will find a second chance mate. There is no guarantee that I even have one but if there is even a slight chance that I do, that I could have that level of happiness and completion than it will be worth it.

However, first things first. The Alpha and Luna ceremony that is happening tomorrow night under the Harvest Moon. Typically at the Alpha ceremony I pass the title to my successor and the Luna passes her title onto her's. Unfortunately my pack has been without their official Luna since Lili died. Lia has been filling that role but never officially. I would like her to pass it on to Elaine. I know the whole pack would agree to it but for some reason Lia has been refusing this request and now she is avoiding me by avoiding the pack house altogether. She has even been blocking my mind-links. I really don't want to use my Alpha Authority to break through her block, but I will as a last resort. Well if she isn't going to come here then I will go to her.

I mind-link Jasper and Graden "You guys fancy a drink down at TheDen?"

J- "Lia still avoiding you?"

D- "Not for long"

G-"Give me 5"

The drive down was uneventful. Pulling up in front of the pub the parking lot is over flowing causing us to have to park down the street. Great for business, which I own, but that means that it will be difficult to have a decent conversation with Lia.

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