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- Season 1, Episode 3 -

Olivia, and I sat at the bleachers, cheering for Beverly. We were currently at their game. They had Hawthorne.

"Jordan told me he spoke to you last night," Olivie said.

I did not wanna talk about what we talked about last night. I mean, it wasn't bad but I'm not in the mood.

"Yes he did, Liv." I sighed, and still cheering on Beverly.

"You know he has it out for you, right?"

"I know. I know. But I don't have time for his Beverly boy act nor him." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Look. I know what Jordan did to Spencer was messed up. Hell, he was very selfish for it. Sometimes, he don't make the perfect decisions and that's okay because nobody's perfect. Not even him. And look, he's staring at you from the field." Olivia said, trying to lighten the mood.

She was right, I was locking eyes with the light- skin, pretty boy, that had #1 on his back.

"Liv, you know I don't have time for boys. Especially, Jordan."

"Yeah, okay. " Olivia chuckled.

*Next Day*

"Mr. Baker, do I smell your famous ribs?" I said, twirling around in the stool.

"Yes, you do, Ange!" Mr. Baker exclaims, then finish adding the ingredients into the stuff.

"There pretty good." I say.

"Yeah, I know. He just mixed two sauces togather." Olivia walks pass me with salad.

"You got that right. Chef Billy Baker!" Mrs. Baker comes out of her office, and kisses her husband on the cheek.

"Hey Spencer, hope your hungry, young man." Billy said bringing the plastic thing full of ribs to the table.

Soon, everything were on the table.

"Hey Spencer, go ahead and sit." I say, nicely as possible.

"You sure?" He asks Coach Baker.

"Yes, man. It's plenty of food. Angeline's right, go ahead and sit down."

"Aight. Thank you, Coach Baker."

"Shall we?" Mrs. Baker got the rib spoon, (dont know what it's called lol) and started to put ribs onto her plate, and passes it around.

"Spencer, uh, sorry about the whole permit thing. I was angry, and was jealous about the bond you and my dad had. I'm so sorry, and didn't mean to take the anger all on you." Jordan apologies

"Aye, man. You good. Were good." Spencer replies, and fist bumps Jordan. Jordan sat down besides me, and got to fixing his plate.

"Alright, Mrs. and Mr. Baker. I'm gonna head home now. See you guys tomorrow." I said, grabbing my backpack.

"Okay, goodnight, sweetie and see you tomorrow." They both hugs me. I exited their door, and went to my car.

I put the bags inside, and got in. Then, I started my engine, but before I left, I got a text from Jordan.

Jordan Baker

hey, Angelise. Can I talk to you for a minute?


uhh, sure, I guess.

Jordan Baker

read 10:25PM

When I sent that last text, I saw him coming outside. He came to my car, and sat in the front.

"Jordan. Look, if its about the other day, it's fine."

"No... well yeah, it is. So, uh, I want to apologize for how you found out at the Boosters party. I was jealous about the bond Spencer and my dad had. It was wrong, Selfish. I do want to apologize for how I acted also. So, um, we good?"

"Jordan. You shouldn't be jealous of that. If you don't have a bond with your dad, sure in the hell you'll have one with me. But, uh, yeah, I guess were cool. But don't ever pull no shit like that no more." I said sternly.

"Yes, ma'am." Jordan say, making me chuckle.

"Alright. I have to get home now." I looked at him.

When I said that, Jordan stared at me. Deep in my soul. I had no choice but to stare at him also, his pretty brow eyes are so attractive.

Jordan leaned in, kissing me. He held one hand to hold my neck gently. I'm not gonna lie, I did kiss back even though I told Olivia I don't have time for boys, Especially Jordan.

The kiss got a bit interesting but I wasn't gonna let him go that far. I broke the kiss.

"I, uh,–– I, uh, have to get home." I said nervously, fixing my shirt.

"Okay. Well, goodnight, Ange." He said, getting out and closing the door, and pating the car.

I drove off, wondering, how could I kiss my bestfriend's twin brother. I even told her I don't have time for him.

She was right, he does like me, and I'm thinking the same about him..

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