California Love

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-Season 1, Episode 7 -

Olivia and I sat down, watching Leila and her partners prepare for Homecoming.

She came on the intercom, "Morning, Eagles. This is Leila Keating, your Stu co president. It's officially homecoming weekend, our favorite time of year, not just because it kicks off with an awesome dance tomorrow. B. T. dubs, buy your tickets now if you haven't already."

"And ends with our big football game, where we're happily gonna kick Malibu's butt. But mostly because it's the time when we come together to celebrate every student's commitment to the Beverly family." She adds.

A/N: Were gonna pretend Asher date Ripley. Is that okay? K.

Ripley, Asher's girlfriend, pulled out an cigarette. A drug that Asher probably didn't want.

"Do you want some?" Ripley held the cigarette to Asher's mouth.

"No, I'm good, thank you." Asher gently pushed her hand away.

"I'm an athlete, you know." Asher says.

"Can't have that stuff in my system." Asher adds.

"Right. Heh." She chuckles.

"What time is it?" Asher asks Ripley hoping that he wouldn't be yo practice, just to listen to Coach Baker's speech.

"Do you know what time is it?" Ripley says, and climbs on Asher.

"What if were late?" Asher insisted but then he thought that was a great idea, so he choosed to spend this time with Ripley.

*Back in the hall*

"So I hope to see you all at the festivities. And remember, go, Eagles!" Leila lastly said, and ending her speech on the intercom.

"Do you got your dress?" Olivia asked me.

"Yeah. My date and I choosed to wear sky blue, so were going with sky blue."


*At the field*

Coach Baker went into the middle of the circle with his huddled up players. "All right, all right, listen up, listen up. Now, I know I've been riding y'all hard this past week. I'm proud of you all stepping up. Malibu's been talking a lot of smack"

"But if you play like this, they ain't gonna know what hit them. Y'all get out of here. Have fun at the dance tomorrow night."

"Oh, wait, one more thing. Keep it classy. No drinking. No staying up all night. I need everyone firing on all cylinders. We got a big game this weekend." Coach Baker adds.

"Y'all heard?" Coach Baker says.

"Yes, sir!" The team shouts.

"All right. Have fun tomorrow." Coach Baker ends his speech.

*At Spencer's job*

"Spencer, dude, take a break, man. You've been working since we got here." Jordan says as Spencer passes their table.

"I can't, man." Spencer sighed.

"You have a pizza my heart, Gabby." The man says to the lady.

"Be my date to hoco? Eee!" The lady squealed and hugging the man.

Untouchable - J. BAKERWhere stories live. Discover now