All We Got

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- Season 1, Episode 5 -

Mrs. and Mr. Baker house was full of people. Some were talking, some were eating, and dancing, of course.

Today, were Spencer's birthday and Mrs. Baker decided to go all out for it. She plans another party for you, even if you already had an party.

Someone knocked at the door, and somehow I heard it. I went to open it, it had revealed, Grace, Coop, and Spencer's younger brother, Dillion.

"Hey. Thanks for coming to Spencer's thing." I said, not knowing what to call it.

"So much for a small gathering.." Grace carried the pan of baked Mac & Chesse for Spencer.

"Ma, Coop, Dillon. You guys made it." Spencer flashed an big smile.

"Hey baby, I bought your favorite." She scooped Spencer's face.

"Thanks, ma. Just put it by the Mac & Chesse truck."

I had left to let Spencer talk to his people. It was going pretty normal until I saw the Baker's go into the nearest closet to discuss something.

So me being me, I followed then.

"What in the hell is going on?!" Laura asked.

"Mom, I think you need to hear this theory. I think Spencer's our brother." Jordan blurted.

I held my mouth wide open, waiting for someone to speak.

"How? What made you think so?" I question which was the question Laura proablly wanted to hear, but didn't ask.

"Look. Dad took me to a barber shop back in Crenshaw. I saw a book and looked in it which shows older pictures of Grace and Dad. Alvin told me they were dating."

"Guys, look. If that's all you guys found out, then he's not you guys brother." I said.

"Yeah, maybe not. But also, dad's been making payments for almost 18 years. That proablly explains why dad moving him in." Olivia explained. In Laura's mind, she was pissed but didn't want to argue about it right now because it was Spencer's birthday.

"Okay. We're gonna discuss this later. Can everyone just act happy and put a smile on your faces. Today's Spencer's big day, and none of us want to ruin it!" Laura demand. We all put fake smiles back on our face, and went back to the party.

After us dancing and partying, we heard GW, (Grandpa Willie) and Coach Baker arguing. At this point, GW spilled a few secrets of Grace and Coach Baker's affair.

Spencer was pissed. He had left the party, to go some where but didn't say we're. Everyone was speechless.

*Later on that night*

I just decided to drive to the local beach to get my mind off things. I was sad that Spencer's probally mad about the affair with Coach Baker and his mom.

I sat on the sand, looking at the sky. It was filled with stars, and we also had a full moon, which was beautiful.

"You found my spot," A deep voice approaches me. I turn around and it was Jordan.

"Uh, hey. And for your information, I didn't know you come here, Mr. Baker." I chuckle.

"Oh, sure you did." Jordan soon joins me on the sand.

*Switch to Leila & Olivia*

"Where's, Ange and Jordan?" I ask Leila. Even though I don't like her, I still have to TRY to become friends with her.

"I don't know. They left soon as the party ended." Leila said, scrambling through her purse to find her car keys.

"Alright, let's go." Leila demands. We speed walk to her car, and drives off to find them.

I decided to shoot Ange a quick text.


Ange, where are you girl?

She left me on read. Aargh! I have to find my other half..

*Switch back to Angeline & Jordan*

Hs pulled me close, and we both leaned into to kiss. His lips were so smooth. I gently held his jawline as I kissed him.

Soon, the kiss got interesting. Jordan laid me down on the red blanket he had got out his car, and started to kiss onto my neck, down to my body.

"Mm, Jordan." I moan, letting him countine what he was doing.

He then goes down to my stomach. He places a few kisses down there until he got lower.

Let's just say things happened.

*Switched To Leila & Olivia*

"Okay, Liv. Maybe we need to leave them too alone." I sighed. We still haven't found them.

"Okay. Yeah, you're right. Just drop me back at home, please." I said, getting back into the car.

She nod, and drove off to my house. Leila pulls up to my house. I get out, and go inside.

"Hey, mom and dad." They were currently cuddling on the couch.

Mom quickly lifts up, "Hi sweetie. Oh, um, where's your brother?"

I had to cover for Jordan. "Uh, he's in his room."

"Okay. Well, get to bed."

"Goodnight mom and dad." I said, then going up the staris. I went to my room, and showered quickly.

After showering, I slipping on my black t-shirt. I laid into bed, and falling asleep, hoping Jordan and Ange are safe.

*Switch back to Ange and Jordan*

"Hey, it's um, getting late." I rised up.

"Uh, yeah, let's go." Jordan said. I he grabbed the blanket, while we both went to the car.

He and I got in, and drove off to the Baker's home. We were both plan on sneaking in from the backdoor, only if it was still unlocked.

"So, uh, Ange, will you be my girlfriend?" Jordan caved towards me since we were at a green light.

"Yes, yes I will." I smiled and kissed his lips. We had a mini kissing session, and the light turned green, then Jordan got back to the road.

Surprisingly, the back door was unlocked. I think Jordan told me his parents don't lock the door untill their kids were home.

We tiptoed inside and upstairs. All we heard was slight snores. Jordan went to his room, and I went to the room that was fully decorated for me.

Untouchable - J. BAKERWhere stories live. Discover now