
327 13 13

-Season 1, Episode 13 -

Today was a Friday. Spencer were going to Crenshaw for the weekend, and I wasn't sure what Olivia was going to do, and neither was Jordan.

Spencer, Jordan and Coach Baker was seated on the couch, discussing football things like always.

"Yo, is that Mitchell?" Spencer ask as he looked at the paused video of the football player.

"You're gonna be running for your life this Friday." Coach Baker replies.

"Wait, did you write your paper?" Jordan turns towards Spencer.

"That dude will not let up." Spencer mumbles under his breath.

"Who you write your paper on?" Ask Coach Baker.

"Neon Deion Sanders."

"Prime time?" Coach interrogate.

"That's what I'm talking about,"

"Yeah, Mr. Vega does not like sports," Jordan claims.

Olivia and I were seated at Rescue Smoothies.

"So, Leila got you something since your one-year sobriety mark were today?" I sipped my smoothie.

"Yeah." Olivia empathize.

"I want to give you this," I handed her a customized sobriety token which dated when she first came sober from drinking, and dated the second time she became Sober.

"1 year Sober 9/15/17 - 9/15/18 ~ I'm so proud of you."

"Wow.. i– thank you so much." She exclaims while looking at it.

"You even have the date from when I came Sober the first time I started drinking.." She then sheds a few tears.

"Aww.. Olivia, I hate to see you cry. Yes, I rember when you first came Sober. And, of course I remember the second time." I scoops her into my arms.

"You were the second one to remember." Olivia cries. Did her parents remember? Did Jordan remember? Did Spencer remember?

*The next day*

"What's up, Spence?" JJ walks up to Spencer and Leila, and daps Spencer.

"Hey, what's up, dog?" Spencer daps him back.

"I heard Vegas all over your ass about that essay."

"He's just messing with me 'cause I'm on the football team. I'm on the team."Spencer indicates.

"Who's your essay about?"

"Dwayne Johnson. The Rock?" Spencer looks at JJ confusingly.

"Taught me everything I know."

"And what exactly do you know?"Leila soons butts in to defend her boyfriend.

"I know I don't have to rewrite my paper, so Vega must have liked it."JJ rubs on his hair with his hands.

"Hey, let me know if you need any help."JJ remarked then leaves.

"The Rock? Dwayne Johnson." Spencer faces Leila.

"I know." Leila clutches her light pink backpack, and her and her boyfriend walks to class.

I walked to the cafeteria, and goes to the lady and ordering my lunch.

"Hi, ma'am. Can I get a cheese quesadilla, and a sprite to go please?"

"Make that two please." Jordan sneaks up behind me.

"Babe!" I trailed off.

"Sorry princess. I can't eat with my girlfriend?" Jordan ask.

"You can." I says and we have a quick kissing session.

Soon, the lady came with our food. We grabbed it, and went to a table.

"So, how you guys football team doing?" I question, eating my quesadilla.

"We doing alright. We do have a game with Logan High next week." Jordan spoke.

"I'll see if I could make it.. One quick question though, did you guys forget Olivia's one-year sobriety mark is today?"

Jordan ate in silence.

"OK, look. I knew her one-year sobriety mark was today, I just didn't know what to get her. I was kind of hoping you guys would get her something."

"Oh, we did."

*30 mins later*

"Alright baby, have to get to class." I said throwing my leftovers away.

"Okay. Bye mama." Jordan kisses my lips, then I goes to my next class.

It's now the end of the day. Everyone had went home. Olivia had told me Spencer already rode the busses to Crenshaw for the weekend. He usually tries to help and be with his mom for that remaining weekend.

"He really asked you out?!" I excitedly asked Liv as I sat onto her bed.

"Sure did." Liv walks out her bathroom with a black midi dress from Fasion Nova, and clear ankle heels.

Her makeup was also done in natural makeup look: (eyebrows done, lashes, lots of contour on to make skin a bit brighter, and cute eyeliner and stuff but I wouldn't know how to describe it). She had her left out. All of it curly.

"Liv. Girl––you look stunning." I told her as she looked into the mirror.

"Thank you. I mean, you did pick the dress." Liv chuckles. She sprays perfume, and puts on the necklace I gave her a longtime ago.

*Liv's phone chimes*

"Whos that?" Liv fixed the necklace in the mirror.

"Chris." I looked at the contact.

"Kay." She quickly took the phone from me.

"Okay. He's outside. How I look?"


"Okay. Thanks pooh. See ya tomorrow." Liv grabs her mini purse, and exits the room. I exhales and lays in her bed and decided to fall asleep.

Untouchable - J. BAKERWhere stories live. Discover now