Part 69

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Landos POV:

I made my way back to my hotel room and I saw Izzie waiting in the reception area of the hotel so I went over and sat with her.

"Alright?" She asked me looking up from her phone

"Yeh, someone told me that you slept with another driver"

"Okay" She replied furrowing her eyebrows, why couldn't I read her face, I should be able to tell but I can't.

"Did you sleep with anyone?" I said now just staring at her 

"Yes" She said looking straight back at me


"Last year, in Hungary I think, might be wrong, was with Pierre"

"We weren't together?"

"No, why the fuck would I sleep with someone if we were together"

"Oh thank God"

"You seriously thought I cheated on you?" she sounded kind of offended 

"Well the thought crossed my mind"

"It's your lucky day then that I didn't" Izzie was now looking over my shoulder at something and her face didn't look so harsh anymore it looked a lot more welcoming.

I turned around to see some fans stood there waving at both of us. The next thing I knew, Izzie was getting up and walking over to them, I obviously followed because what else was I meant to do.

Izzie was hugging all of them and just making conversation with all of these strangers, it was weird seeing the difference between how I treat fans as fans and Izzie just treats them like people, which they are, I felt guilty about not making my fans a priority and how Izzie was just so incredibly nice to everyone despite the fact people were scared of her, it made no sense but it worked.

"Do you want a photo with Lando?" Izzie asked the girls

"We actually wanted one with you, you helped us get in to karting" one of the girls said

"No way, that is so cool, when is your next race?" She asked them

"It's actually tomorrow"

Izzie turned around to me and had the biggest grin on her face, I knew what this meant, we were staying here for another day or two.

"Oi, Lando, take the photo will you please" Izzie said to me as she threw this girls phone at me, I caught it of course but she needed to stop throwing things at me.

I took the photo of them and then Izzie insisted on a group selfie, Izzie was holding the camera and all of us were stood behind her smiling . She even got the hotel staff to take a photo of all the girls holding Izzie in front of them like a log. I was envying the way she interacted with her fans, we spent a good 30 minutes talking to them.

"We are going to that karting race tomorrow" Izzie said as she grabbed my hand whilst we were walking down the corridor to her hotel room

"I know, do they know?"

"Of course they don't, that would ruin the surprise, the race starts at 11 so get there for 9 ish?"

"Sounds good to me"

We walked in to her hotel room and immediately she made a cup of tea, I think she was at least 30% tea.

We spent the night watching Netflix and messing around, she even painted my nails for what was the third time.

Izzie's POV:

My alarm went off after what felt like 10 minutes of sleep, I crawled out of bed and put my kettle on and got two mugs and teabags out before washing my face as the kettle boiled. 

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