Dedicated to doggocatfishy
You know what I mean
The things society tries to cage us in with
You know what I mean
The assumptions
Oh you're this so you must do that and act like this
Male or Female check one
But the truth is,
No one really fits in those boxes
Those little traps meant to cage us in and describe us in 5 words or less
Those boxes
They're all a sham
A useless catorgorizer
Because no one fits in boxes
No one belongs in one or the other
Because every single one of us is a multifaceted gem of likes and dislikes
Goals and ideals
Achievements and failures
Sexualities and orientations
Genders and body types
There are so many facets to an identity
How can you cram people into neat labeled organized boxes when we're all so different
Some of us burst out in an explosion of bright colors and music
Others in bursts of dark colors and whispers
And so many more
Some came forth in blasts of spray paint and playlists blasted through speakers at top volume
Still more tunneled out through the back, digging their way out with metal spikes and colorful mohawks
Even more shouted and sang their way out, refusing to be seen and not heard
There are so many facets of personality
We don't fit in boxes
We don't belong in boxes
So stop trying to shove us in
Stop letting your children jeer at others for letting their inner beauty shine
Stop putting down people for being different.
Because we're all unique and we'll never be exactly the same.
We don't fit in boxes
And we never will
So stop
No more boxes
We're done
Even if you keep the boxes
What makes you think we'll fit in them
You don't fit in them
So why should we try to?
We don't need these boxes
Because we just burst right back out if them
Bye bye boxes
I'm done pretending to fit