Moral Of The Story: Ray Is A Drama Queen

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"So let me get this straight." My nan began and turned to Gray, Ben, and John who had all moved to sit on the right side of me on a teal coloured couch in front of a huge window in my hospital room. "You three coerced my granddaughter into letting you guys train her to box because you thought she needed to learn how to control herself."

My pops looked at John so he could say, "And you have a crush on her."

My nan turned to Scar who was in the corner to the left side of the guys. "You tried to teach her how to drive illegally because you simply wanted to."

Finally, she turned to Elle who was on the other side of the guys. "And you're that bitchy bully that's been tormenting her for years, but as it turns out, it was some big misunderstanding and now you want to be BFFs."

My pops looked at me.

"Have we forgotten anything?" He asked with a quirked brow, making me roll my eyes.

'So dramatic.'

"Well, when you put it like that, you make it sound like it's a bad thing." I replied sarcastically, making my pops let out a laugh.

'Even though it was. Kind of.'

My nan then gave me a look that said that she was going to take me out of the woodshed if I didn't shut up, but when my pops put his hands on her shoulders gently, she relaxed a little.

"Yes, well I would say that it was a bad thing considering you got shot." My nan retorted, not missing a beat.

"And got into a car accident." My pops pointed out while still massaging her shoulders.

I shrugged nonchalantly. "Worse things have happened." I remarked coolly, knowing I had them there.

Pops nodded in agreement. "You're not wrong there, peanut." 

I scowled at the old nickname, growling under my breath at the old memories it brought back. "Call me that again and I'll get nan to make you sleep outside." I gritted out, causing my pops to throw his head back and laugh loudly.

"Try all you want, peanut. Your gran loves me too much to do that." He remarked.

It was my turn to quirk a brow. "You willing to bet on that?" I inquired smugly, knowing I would inevitably win.

I always do.

Pops considered it until my nan punched him in the stomach with her elbow, noticeably not pleased with my pops actually thinking about taking me up on my offer.

"Don't. Even. Think. About. It." She hissed out while throwing him a glare over her shoulder. It didn't faze him as he put his hands up in surrender and chuckled lightly.

"Okay, mijn liefje. I won't." He claimed innocently, but when he threw me a subtle wink, I knew it was still on as my gran went red at the Dutch nickname for 'love.' Seeing the wink as a challenge, I threw him a smirk of my own, letting him know I wasn't going down easy.

Before either of us could say anything, a random cough came from the doorway of my room, making most of us jump with surprise.

And when I say most of us, I mean Gray. made one-eighth of us jump.

Wait...did I do that right?


Yeah, sure. Why not?

My nan and pops moved to the side a little bit so that I could see who walked in and it was none other than Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoke, and John Diggle.

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