Hey There Dumbasses

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After belting out some more of my jams at top volume on the way back, I got home at around six-forty five with my backpack in tow and a smile on my face.

As I unlocked the door and walked into the house, I was jumped by a furry intruder.

'Christ, mate. Give a girl some warning.'

I laughed as I fell to the floor with a thump.

"Nice to see you too, Coop." I greeted him back with a grin. He smiled down at me while standing on my stomach. I groaned as he landed on a bruise. "Okay." I croaked. "Time to get off before you put me in the hospital." As I pushed him off of me, he whined, but complied nonetheless.

After standing up with a small groan, I put my bag on the couch and fed him. I decided to take a shower and when I reached my bathroom, my phone rang. I sighed and checked the ID.


Why was he calling me? 

'This can't be good.'

I sighed again and answered the call. "What do you want?" I asked bluntly. 

Meh. Being nice is overrated. 

He chuckled at my greeting, most likely not expecting me to even pick up the phone at all.

"Nice to hear from you too." He replied amusedly, making me want to smack the grin off his face that I knew was present.

I rolled my eyes. "Do you need anything?" I asked while continuing to ignore his lame attempt at humor. He simply laughed at me.

"I was making sure we were still on for tomorrow." John said innocently.

'It sounds like more of a date, than a boxing session.' I thought to myself with a snort.

"This isn't a date." I stated simply, my voice leaking my amusement.

"I know. I was just making sure you wouldn't scream bloody murder when we take you through a dark alley to get to the ring." He clarified and I chuckled at his words. 

"Thanks for the warning." I thanked him with a grin, though he couldn't see it, and he chuckled warmly.

"You're welcome." He replied, then paused to confirm. "See you tomorrow?"

"Yep. See you tomorrow." I reassured. 

All of a sudden, out of butt-fuck nowhere, "HI GRACE!" I heard Grayson shout and I let out a small snort.

"Hello, Grayson." I replied amusedly.

"What did you do tonight? Had a hot date?" He teased and I rolled my eyes. John on the other hand scolded Grayson.

"Did you?" I retorted dryly.

"No." He replied and I snorted.

"Well, there's your answer." I said pertly, rolling my eyes at him. 

He just chuckled. "So you stayed inside all night long?" He asked rhetorically.

"Yup." I lied smoothly. "Dean Winchester was calling my name." He hummed over the line and I arched an eyebrow.

"Bor-ing." I rolled my eyes.

"It's probably more interesting than what you did. Let me guess: a night of pizza and video games?" I faked assuming with a small grin on my face.

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