Chapter 28: The Ticking Clock Is Counting Down...

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LetsKeepItASecret13 x

Chapter 28

Song: Attack by 30 Seconds To Mars

(Hannah / Third Person)

The early lights waved upon the new apartment, belonging to ex nurse Hannah. The beep of the coffee machine hit adrenaline into to her, giving the booze to try and wake up. Walking like a zombie, Hannah grabbed a cup out of the cupboard and poured the streaming hot coffee into the cup.

"What a night..." Hannah mumbled under her breath while pressing the cup again her lips.

- Last Night -

2:32 AM

"Come on Oli!" Hannah hissed.

Placing his hand around her neck, Hannah pushed her body to carry the weight of unconscious Oliver.. Finally opening the doors to the new apartment, Oliver kept slipping off, causing Hannah to stumble and struggle. Hannah kicked the door forcefully to enter with Oli. Sweat ran down her body as she was lifting his body to go through the door. Hannah didn't bother turning on the light as her main focus was to get Oliver into her bedroom to treat him as fast as possible. Oliver continued to slip off until Hannah couldn't handle his weight anymore. Both Oliver and Hannah crash landed on the floor. Heavy breathing escaped the lips of Hannah.

" I can't give up" Hannah hissed to herself.

Pushing her body of the floor, Hannah grabbed Oliver's burn tattoo arms and dragged his body along the floor. Once arriving into the bedroom, Hannah picked up Oliver badly burnt body off the floor and pushed him into the bed. She placed him lying down, arms and legs stretched out. Panting heavily, Hannah left the bedroom and quickly closed her front door before anyone noticed she brought someone with her.

I.E. Oliver Sykes.

"I can't believe I'm doing this" Hannah panted under her breath.

Running back into the living room, Hannah kneeled infront of her boxes and started to tear the boxes apart, only in the hopes of finding her medical kit from one of her previous jobs. As she opened the boxes, she only discovered some of her clothing in one box. Another box had plates and cups but still not medical kit.

"AHHHHHHH!" Hannah heard a scream in her bedroom.

Her pace to find the medical kit, increased 100%. Determination ejected through her veins. Opening another box named " Bathroom Supplies" , the cries of Oliver Sykes hovered around the room.

"Hang on Oliver!" Hannah shouted.

Rummaging through the box, a white box with a Red Cross was placed on top. Score! Hannah thought! Opening the box, Hannah grabbed bandages, creams, alcohol and last but not least, Morphine.

Jetting back into the bedroom, Oliver's body began to go into cardiac arrest. Hannah grabbed the bottle of morphine and injected the needle inside to grab the liquid. Oliver's eyes grew wide as he noticed the syringe in her hand.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" He continued.

Hannah got on top of Oliver to try and pin him down but Oliver was shaking so much.

"Don't you dare die on me Oliver Sykes!" Hannah snarled.

Injected him on his neck, Oli's body began to calm down until he finally stopped shaking.

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