Chapter 5: Best Friend Forever? Or Back Stabbers Forever?

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chapter 5

Song :Untouched By The Veronica's

(Bethany Lucker/ Third Person )

It had been six months since the funeral of Bethany's father and mother , Mitch and Jolie.The Cold winter passed and the blossoming of spring was ending. The sparkles of the shimmering ray-light of sun woke little Bethany up. Lying on the bed, small droplets of tears ran down her eyes. For six months Bethany continued to have the image of car accident in her dreams. Gerard Or Lyn-z Way would come try to calm her down as she kept on waking up in the middle of the night, screaming her lungs out. Wiping the tears from her eyes, Bethany hopped out of bed and walked to her window.

When she first arrived to the Way resident everyone in the family were so lovely and kind to her , Gerard Way gave her her own bedroom. Her bedroom was a middle sized bedroom , Cream coloured walls, dark purple curtains, a small wardrobe and bed. Of course Bethany was grateful for the Way's allowing her to stay at there home but Bethany wanted to be back home to her own family. The family that is now gone forever. Looking outside the window she could see the sunrise appearing over the hills. Rays of light beaming around the house.

Living in LA didn't mean that they would have the view of the Hollywood sign , the Way's had decided to live further away from the busyness of LA. Releasing a sigh from her breath Bethany grabbed her mini laptop from under the bed and booted it on. Everyday she would send an email to her dear friend Alex , or she would call him Lexy but it was really impossible for him to reply to her while him being busy touring around the US. Bethany didn't have Facebook because she didn't like the idea of it and because her mother , Jolie , told her she wasn't allowed it. Even thinking about mini memories of her family brought sadness to Bethany.

Looking through different social networking sites Bethany loved to see what Suicide Silence fans put for her father saying that he was a legend and a great man same of her mother. However some comments from people who were addicted to one direction were so disrespectful to her family but some comments were telling 5 year old Bethany to kill herself, making her turn off her laptop and cry her little eyes out.

( Bethany Lucker / First Person )

Why would people be so mean to my daddy and mommy!? Why are people telling to go die? Do people want me dead? Was it my fault that mommy and daddy die?

Knock knock

Wiping the tears from my eyes I opened the my white door revealing little Bandit wearing her dressing gown, holding a mini Killjoy toy with a big smile on her face.

"Hey Bethany, can I come in?" She whispered

"Um..sure" I replied.

Opening the door for Bandit she skipped to my bed and sat on it , wriggling her bum to make herself comfortable. Closing the door I went to join Bandit on the bed.

"Are you excited for today?" She asked


"What's going on today?" I replied today

"You get to come to school with me!" She cheered.

I frowned. I really didn't want to go to school today, I wasn't in the mood at all. Bandit's smile disappeared and now had a worried look in her face.

"What's wrong Bethany?" She asked.

"I don't want to go to school" I admitted

"Don't worry everything with be fine, you'll be with me the whole time. We can play together , sit together in class and have lunch together. C'mon it will be fun" she explained

Just the thought of leaving the house scared me. I haven't left since I got dropped off here.

"I refuse to go" I huffed

Bandit sighed

"You have to go Bethany"

Looking at Bandit I saw her pick up my unicorn that Jack gave me when we were at the London airport about to fly to LA. Thinking about Jack made me miss all the guys from All Time Low, Auntie Sammy , Oli and even that lovely pretty Helena girl.

"I have an idea!" Bandit cheered

I stared at her confused

"Why don't you bring your unicorn with you so you can feel that your safe in school?"

Thinking about her idea was actually not a bad idea at all. I gave Bandit a massive hug

"That's a brilliant idea, thank you bandit" I whispered in her ear

"No problem that what friend are for" she whispered

"Best friends forever"

(Stephenie Sykes / First Person)

"Hurry up Jessica , say what you wanna say! I haven't got all day y'know" I hissed

I can't believe that low life of a slut is here! O - M - G! I feel like I'm going to pass out here. Sitting in the massive living room with White walls, black leather sofas, 55 inch smart 3D tv and portraits of 'famous legends' whatever calls it Jessica sat on the sofa, crossed her skinny legs and started to mumble something that I couldn't hear at all. UGH!

"For god's sake Jessica stop mumbling and tell me , if you can't get the hell out of the house!" I shouted

Jessica sat there looking out at the white carpet not daring to look at my beautiful sparkling blue eyes.

" I want to be apart of the group again because I miss hanging out with you and being cool" she FINALLY said

I glared at her, she still didn't look up at me. How dare she say she wants to be in the group again! That stupid little Bi- Think about this Stephenie my mind spoke. Think about what? You can use her to blame her for everything happening to Helena my mind spoke. Thinking about my mind told me wasn't a bad idea. How will I make her not think something's up? Act like your her friend then back stab the girl. Oooo I like the idea. How will I do that? Arrange a sleepover with the rest of your friends and tell her the plan about Hele- wait you want to tell me her about the tramp!? Let me finish Stephenie! Once her knows about her then you can frame her to be the one hurting Helena and you can be the hero and walk away with everything.


Wait what? Did I just have a conversation with my mind? I might be losing it.Wait I'm Stephenie Courtney Sykes I'm never losing it!

"You can be in the group again" I fake cheerfully said

"Thank you Stephenie, this means a lot"

Jessica stood up from the sofa and hugged me. I had to hug this thing back. Time to use my plan.

"Listen in two days I'm having a sleepover with some other girls from the group wanna join?" I asked her putting a fake smile

"Yes please. Best Friends Forever?"

"Best Friends Forever!" I cheered

Well done Stephenie one more step till back stabbing

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