Chapter 15: That One Sheet A Doctor Forgets To Read..

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Hope you guys enjoy chapter 14, I found out that I made 3 people cry with the last update. Sorry! I didn't mean to make you upset! Thanks for the votes and comments, really means alot. Oh well I'll carry on with the story.

LetsKeepItASecret13 x

Chapter 15

Picture of Of Mice and Men ------->

Song: Hurricane by 30 Seconds To Mars

(Arianna / First Person )


Bright Light flew passed me as I was power walking to the File room. Jack rang me yesterday about the situation. I don't know if it's a prank or real. I'll murder him if this is some kind of joke! Hearing the voices doctors and patients around me, I continued to zoom pass them as my mission to get those records were important. Drops of sweat ran down my face.

This is a risky thing I'm doing!

What happens if I get caught?

What if this is fake?

What happens if this girl, Helena, is actually in danger!?

Pushing more strength into my walk, I looked around to see the some nurses talking to doctors about patients, Patients walking down the aisle with life wires hanging on their bodies. There it is? My mind screamed. A little blue door at the end of the corridor screamed my name to open it. Patting my pockets, the jingles of the keys chimed.Almost running towards the door, I heard someone call my name.

"Arianna?" A male voice called.

I stopped. I turned around to face the voice.

"Yes?" I spoke.

"You okay?" 

HE KNOWS!!!! Calm down Arianna my mind hissed.

"Yeah I'm fine just going to do some things" I managed to say.

"oh ok"

I span around to face the door again. The closer I got, the closer I panicked. 


Closing the door behind, darkness covered the whole door. Finally! i'm in my mind cheered.Crawling my hand against the wall, I managed to find the switch.


As the light shined in the grey room, hundreds and hundred of filing cabinets were line up like soliders, row by row. I quickly locked the door so no one could get in. Taking a few step in front, the floor creaked like someone screaming. Damn! 

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